COVID-19 cases are high throughout most parts of the UK, and all four nations of the UK have brought in further restrictions aiming to control the pandemic. But unlike the lockdowns in the Spring, most schools are staying open this time around.
Parents are understandably worried about the virus spreading within schools and potentially infecting vulnerable family members and teachers. Yet we still know little about what COVID-19 looks like in children, or how transmission of the virus among children, which is likely to be lower than adults, impacts on the wider population.
To provide reassurance to parents at this crucial time, track the spread of the virus and better understand how COVID-19 affects children, we’ve launched a new School Community feature through the COVID Symptom Study App.
This allows parents and carers to log how their child/children are feeling to a secure school community network, so schools can receive daily insights into the health of their students and make data-driven decisions to keep pupils and staff safe.
For more information visit