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Forum topic: Traffic count data reveals high incidence of speeding on a Lakes Estate street


Traffic count data reveals high incidence of speeding on a Lakes Estate street

Basil Clarke

25 Feb 2019 21:50 #4408

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[Original article]

Traffic count data for Grovelands Road collected during a week in December 2018 has provided hard evidence about the large amount of traffic using this residential street and the number of drivers who are breaking the 30mph speed limit.  Every day some 1,300 vehicles used the road. Nine people were recorded driving at more than 50mph, including three who were doing more than 60mph.  The highest speed recorded was 70.4mph.

lakes estate traffic monitoring points dec 2018Traffic counts were carried out at 11 locations in December 2018. To date, data has only been published for Grovelands Road

The data, obtained by a Grovelands Road resident from Enfield Council, shows traffic counts broken down into hourly segments for the week of 12th to 18th December.  For each segment the data breaks down the vehicle counts according to speed. 

The total number of vehicles detected was 9,129 - on average 1,300 a day.  1,241 vehicles were breaking the speed limite (around one in seven - an average of 177 per day).

In peak hours more than two drivers a minute were using the road.  Even during the busiest hour of the entire week, with around 70 vehicles going in each direction, 14 drivers broke the speed limit - and this was at the very time when there would have been children returning home from school.

The table below shows totals for the whole week. (Click here if the table is not displaying properly.)

Traffic counts in Grovelands Road, N13, for the week 12-18 December 2018

Download Excel workbook containing detailed source data

Speed (mph) Northbound Southbound
Total 4161 4968
Vpp85 29.5 29.6
Mean 22.8 23.4
SD 6.9 6.5
0-5 3 5
5-10 131 119
10-15 445 365
15-20 750 947
20-25 1244 1588
25-30 1035 1256
30-35 396 511
35-40 116 129
40-45 31 37
45-50 5 7
50-55 3 1
55-60 1 1
60-65 1 1
65-70 0 0
70-75 0 1
Vehicles = 9129
Posted speed limit = 30 mph, Exceeding = 1241 (13.59%), Mean Exceeding = 33.85 mph
Maximum = 70.4 mph, Minimum = 0.7 mph, Mean = 23.1 mph
85% Speed = 29.58 mph, 95% Speed = 33.78 mph, Median = 23.32 mph
10 mph Pace = 19 - 29, Number in Pace = 5335 (58.44%)
Variance = 44.54, Standard Deviation = 6.67 mph

"By no means the worst rat-run in the area"

The Grovelands Road resident who obtained the data described it as "staggering".  Clare Rogers of Better Streets for Enfield commented:

"This data presents a picture of a street that is hostile to walking, cycling and residents' well-being. Speeding aside, the sheer volume of 1,300 vehicles a day prevents this from being a truly healthy neighbourhood street, where any age can walk or cycle and people tend to stroll in the middle of the road: that transformation happens at around 300 vehicles a day. And we know that Grovelands Road is by no means the worst rat-run in the area."

A "safe" speed, but only for some...

The Vpp85 data in the table (the 85th percentile) is used by traffic engineers to assess the speed which feels appropriate for most drivers when traffic is flowing freely.  The speed that feels safe to drivers will depend on factors such as road width, how straight the road is, how far they can see etc.  In this case Vpp85 was below the speed limit (but only just). 

But drivers are judging safety in terms of the risk to occupants of cars, in particular themselves, and the occupants of a large car or SUV travelling at 30mph would be pretty safe driving along Grovelands Road.  The risk to people in the category referred to as "vulnerable road users" is, however, very high at 30mph.  A pedestrian - such as a child unexpectedly emerging from behind a parked car, or a cyclist knocked off their bike - is highly likely to be seriously injured or killed if hit by a car going at 30mph.  If speed limits in urban areas are set at 20mph - as is increasingly common, but not in Enfield - the chances of surviving with minor injuries is high.

So, given that the primary function of roads like Grovelands is to provide access to people living there, it is irresponsible for the Council to set the speed limit at 30mph.  A much more appropriate limit would be 20mph, if necessary backed up by measures which would cause drivers to go more slowly - speed humps, road narrowing, obstacles like planters (but at intervals along a long straight road, not just at either end).

So what about the "quieter neighbourhood"?

The December traffic counts were carried out to provide baseline data so that the council can do a proper "before and after" assessment of the effectiveness of their "quieter neighbourhood" measures. So far these merely consist of planters placed at the ends of some streets, including Grovelands, which are supposedly intended to deter through drivers, but the signs rather paradoxically "welcome" them to "our street".

Unlike the thousands of cars that drive through the Lakes Estate every day, the rollout of the quieter neighbourhood measures has been very slow and, anecdotally at least, they have had little or no effect on traffic volumes or speed.  Hopefully, similar baseline data gathered at ten further locations will soon be released.  It will almost certainly show that the "neighbourhood" is anything but quiet (higher speeds create exponentially more noise) and, with so much traffic, not really conducive to neighbourliness.  High time for a serious attempt to tame the rat-runners.

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Traffic count data reveals high incidence of speeding on a Lakes Estate street

David Hughes

26 Feb 2019 18:32 #4409

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What strikes me about this is that for most adults their car(s) is at the heart of their lives, and children cannot imagine the sort of freedom my generation enjoyed (I'm 81). Furthermore the lines of cars on either side of the road, and the absence of children on the street , doesn't seem to disturb most of them as they do me.

But still it is: "High time for a serious attempt to tame the rat-runners." By and large they don't disturb me in Conway Road, but amazingly friends living on the street tell me that rat-running from Fox Lane to the head of Ulleswater Road is very common.

Should something effective be done on the Lakes Estate the effect on the through roads around it would be high. Which really would put pressure on drivers to travel by different means, which, initially at least, was an aim.

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Traffic count data reveals high incidence of speeding on a Lakes Estate street

Christie Wagland

28 Feb 2019 08:15 #4410

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I’ve been emailing the council about this since December. As a new resident to Grovelands, I find the traffic issue so alarming. Not one response back. I don’t understand the pussyfooting around this issue by the council, it’s very obviously a big problem and menacing to society.
The following user(s) said Thank You: John Phillips

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Traffic count data reveals high incidence of speeding on a Lakes Estate street

Darren Edgar

28 Feb 2019 09:26 #4411

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Trying to reign in the swears, but those stats are essentially disgusting. Thankfully the vast majority occupy the 20-30mph bracket. Personally I think twenty's plenty on any unclassified road and would like to see that rolled out across Enfield - WITH ENFORCEMENT.

Pity the Lakes' roads are seen as too narrow for modal filtering. That's the only thing that'd genuinely make a difference to this.

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Traffic count data reveals high incidence of speeding on a Lakes Estate street

Karl Brown

28 Feb 2019 09:39 #4412

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Christine said

I’ve been emailing the council about this since December. As a new resident to Grovelands, I find the traffic issue so alarming. Not one response back. I don’t understand the pussyfooting around this issue by the council, it’s very obviously a big problem and menacing to society

Assume you mean December 2018 rather than December 1988, albeit I think you’ll find others have been pressing over that sort of time frame. Best get a set of earplugs to drown out what's been a never ending sound of wringing hands, should there ever be a reply (and helps with the disturbance from speeding cars too of course).

I’m just told, after listening to speed complaints from a neighbour and her visiting tradesman, that Lakesides new planter took a dunch within its first 24 hours of installation. Is that a record?

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Traffic count data reveals high incidence of speeding on a Lakes Estate street

Bill Linton

28 Feb 2019 10:01 #4414

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I walk along Grovelands frequently and my impression is that the considerable majority of cars travelling along it do so from one end to the other, with relatively few starting or finishing their journeys there.

I also sometimes come back late at night and it's quite eerily quiet. The contrast is quite startling, emphasising just how much traffic there is during the day.
The following user(s) said Thank You: John Phillips

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Traffic count data reveals high incidence of speeding on a Lakes Estate street

John Phillips

28 Feb 2019 10:59 #4415

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Being a sad old man with little to do, I carried out my own survey in Lakeside Road on Sunday 2nd April 2017. In the 40 minutes from 11.24am we had:

42 rat running cars
6 resident car movements
4 non resident parking
3 u turns
1 accessing the service road
3 bikes
1 van delivery.

I did a couple of other surveys too. They obviously carry no weight but consistently show about 86 -90% of all cars are just rat runners. This is a very different situation from only a few years ago, before sat navs.

The only respite from the noise, pollution and danger was the delightful interlude when the pavement crossovers were being built and the road was closed for some weeks. Heavenly!

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Traffic count data reveals high incidence of speeding on a Lakes Estate street

Topaz Consulting

01 Mar 2019 13:32 #4416

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Last Summer was the last straw when our puppy was rundown and killed outside our house.
I am fed up with the passive interest shown by the Council in taking the issue of speeding and reckless driving seriously. Here is a letter we sent at the time:


Dear Fellow Resident
I am writing to you today in my grief as our family lost our beloved 9 month puppy Jasper yesterday morning by a hit and run driver on Forestdale who was driving at a reckless speed.
The trail of trauma, shock and pain that this incident has caused is very hard to bear.
We are growing ever concerned at the rate of speed cars race along the road. Many a time I have stood back in horror at the acceleration of cars and cannot comphrend why people think it is acceptable in a residential street to behave as though they are on the North Circular.
I would be grateful if you could please take some time to send an email to the individuals listed and complain about the traffic issues as you see them.
Personally, I feel if a speed camera was fitted the council would make quite a fortune from these drivers. Even if they put barriers or a calming method it would help. Now we have nothing and whilst yesterday we lost our darling pet tomorrow it could be a child, an elderly person or just anyone. There has been a spate of hit and runs locally on Monday a 9 year old child was hit and broke her leg but the car did not stop.
Let’s show our community spirit and stand up and ask for a change to help our quality of life on this lovely road.
Please email or write to the councillors above and let them know we need to slow the traffic on Forestdale NOW.
With Many Thanks
From Another Forestdale Family
In memory of Jasper

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