Forum topic: Whitewebbs campaigners issue urgent crowdfunding appeal
Whitewebbs campaigners issue urgent crowdfunding appeal
12 Jun 2024 01:38 #7152- PGC Webmaster
Campaigners opposed to the leasing of part of Whitewebbs Park to Tottenham Hotspur Football Club have launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise money to launch an appeal against the judicial review which found that Enfield Council's decision to let the land is lawful.
The crowdfunding campaign, in the name of Sean Wilkinson, has already gained pledges totalling more than the £10,000 that was the minimum required. A stretch target of £20,000 has now been set.
See below for the text accompanying the crowdfunding appeal.
Whitewebbs Park - funding for Permission to Appeal. Urgent
Dear Supporters
As you know Mr Justice Mould decided against us at the Judicial Review. For the sake of all our open spaces we must continue the fight and get the decision changed.
We need to raise £10,000 in 7 days, so that we can appeal this judgment. Legal deadlines are tight.
We believe that there are good grounds for appeal and are asking permission from the Court of Appeal to do so.
The reasons for this are:
1. We believe that we have a case in law.
2. If Mr Justice Mould’s ruling stands then all the public open space in London and other parts of the country are at risk from sale and inappropriate development.
3. Since the Judicial Review hearing Tottenham Hotspur Ltd have submitted their planning application. We now have a much clearer view of what they intend to do with the land.
Half of the open space in Whitewebbs Park will be enclosed as a fortress for elite football. It will be surrounded and hidden by metal fencing, high laurel hedging, a barrier of vegetation, earth barriers in places (“bunds”) and the dense planting of trees.
The pitch area will be bulldozed and about 16 hectares of mixed grass meadowland, including a rare area of acid grassland, will be removed and replaced by manicured grass pitches and one astroturf. Many trees will be removed. More details can be found at
Although the formal consultation period is ended there is still time to add your comments and objections, but do not delay. Details are on the web page.
The PILC ( will be acting as solicitors in the case and the same barrister will be instructed.
We have to act quickly so I am asking, again, for your help in raising the sum needed for the application. Thank you for all your support so far, you can help with a further donation and by contacting others about the case.
Sean Wilkinson
Visit the crowdfunding page on the Crowdjustice website
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Whitewebbs campaigners issue urgent crowdfunding appeal
12 Jun 2024 10:29 #7153- Darren Edgar
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Whitewebbs campaigners issue urgent crowdfunding appeal
12 Jun 2024 23:05 - 12 Jun 2024 23:07 #7156- PGC Webmaster
[T]he Society’s view continues to be that Enfield Council’s financial situation is such that disposal of the land is inevitable and that the Spurs option seems to be the most acceptable outcome of those tendered – but we reserve our position until the terms of the lease are made public. If the Council is minded to approve Spurs’ planning application, in our view their proposals – if properly implemented – could provide much needed improvements to the park.
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Whitewebbs campaigners issue urgent crowdfunding appeal
17 Jun 2024 10:44 #7162- Darren Edgar
The ship has sailed for any contrition from EnSoc. They are are culpable as Sean for this waste of time and money. Hypocrisy from EnSoc to now try and be a voice of reason....
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