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pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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An update on how Age UK Enfield is operating during the lockdown - taken from the most recent Love Your Doorstep newsletter.

Health & Wellbeing Service (also includes Falls & Memory services) Over 50s service

Our team of navigators will be working with older people in a modified version of our traditional services, whilst we aren’t seeing people face to face we are still 'case working' with people using telephone services. This includes information & advice, telephone befriending, signposting and referring to local services.

We are contacting all of our existing clients and people that attend all of our services Falls, Memory, Padwicks. I&A, Fit for Life and screening their needs.

We welcome referrals from our community partners, relatives, self-referrals and will screen and assess people’s needs and provide the support needs identified. We are working in partnership with all our local voluntary sector agencies, statutory services and community groups. Email referrals and enquiries to 07813 369919

ICAN Service

Over 18 service for people that have dementia, diabetes, stroke, falls, and isolated. Our ICAN navigators will offer a telephone based case working service with vulnerable group members that currently access ICAN services and new referrals made to them by external referrers. Their local contacts and knowledge of the communities they base in will be key to supporting most vulnerable groups. . They will continue to support our other services by mapping and updating us all on what is available in the communities. A lot of their current cases are complex and their needs may increase over the coming months. It will be important for us to offer support as best as we can to help people manage their health conditions and connect to others without our groups, the encouragement of people that have formed friendships in groups to stay in touch with each other. To connect people to key services and community offers. Referrals via email. or 07813 369919 Enquiries

Telephone Befriending Service

Our volunteers will be matched with local residents over 50 and who need a weekly or twice weekly call. This is primarily for older people who have little or limited contact from friends or family members, or families that live a long way away. The volunteers have DBS checks and are managed and supervised by Age UK Enfield Staff. Referrals via email. or 020 8375 4120

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