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See also this discussion on the Palmers Green Community Forums: Former Whitewebbs Golf Course

Whitewebbs: "What Tottenham Hotspur and Enfield Council don't want you to know"

24 September 2024

Watch a 5-minute video by the Guardians of Whitewebbs, created by musician and producer Avid Beats, presenting a view about the plans for Whitewebbs which is very different from that presented by Tottenham Hotspur Football Club and Enfield Council.

Whitewebbs campaigners issue urgent crowdfunding appeal

12 June 2024

Campaigners opposed to the leasing of part of Whitewebbs Park to Tottenham Hotspur Football Club have launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise money to launch an appeal against the judicial review which found that Enfield Council's decision to let the land is lawful.

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Council to proceed with plan to lease land at Whitewebbs to Spurs

04 July 2023

A document prepared by council officers for the leader of Enfield Council recommends that she approve proceeding with the controversial plan to lease the former golf course at Whitewebbs to Tottenham Hotspur Ltd for a period of 25 years. The decision comes despite the large number of objections to the plan received from borough residents and the threat of legal action.

Whitewebbs campaigners raising funds to mount legal challenge

30 May 2023

The Friends of Whitewebbs Park have launched a crowdfunder asking people to pledge money needed to mount a legal challenge to Enfield Council's apparent determination to lease more than half of the park to Tottenham Hotspur Football Club.

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Whitewebbs campaigners: 'Object to the Spurs lease agreement by 15th January'

03 January 2023

The Friends of Whitewebbs Park are asking residents who are opposed to Enfield Council granting 'an agreement for lease' of the former Whitewebbs golf course to Tottenham Hotspur Football Club to submit objections by Sunday 15th January.

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Campaigners will 'have recourse to legal action if necessary' to defend public recreational rights at Whitewebbs

09 November 2022

Local campaigners have notified Enfield Council that in their view the planned leasing of a large part of Whitewebbs Park to Tottenham Hotspur Football Club is unlawful. They have warned both the council and the football club that they intend to enforce the rights of the public to make use of the land for recreation and will take legal action if necessary.

Read the full article and forum comments

Whitewebbs petition gaining support

21 January 2020

As at 21st January 2,878 people had signed an online petition calling on Enfield Council to protect the golf course, woods and open areas at Whitewebbs.

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