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Public Health

Contribute towards research into the psychological and social effects of Covid-19

08 May 2020

University College London's School of Behavioural Science and Health is carrying out a survey-based study into the psychological and social effects of Covid-19. People in the UK aged 18 and over are invited to take part. This study will involve answering a 15-minute survey and then answering a shorter 10-minute follow-up survey once a week whilst social isolation measures are in place.

Covid-19 in Enfield: Briefing for councillors

08 May 2020

A public health briefing on Covid-19 in the borough and nationally was issued to councillors on 7th May.

'We don't want or need to go back to those fume-filled, congested and hostile roads of the past'

28 April 2020

'We don't want or need to go back to those fume-filled, congested and hostile roads of the past' - the message concluding a letter sent by campaigners to the leaders of Enfield Council concerned about what might happen once the coronavirus lockdown ends. They urge the leaders to to take steps to ensure that, as restrictions are gradually relaxed, high levels of car usage do not return, hindering social distancing and discouraging active travel modes - walking and cycling. Their suggestions include 'pop-up' cycle lanes along corridors for key workers, widening of pinchpoints that present hazards when walking or cycling, and re-allocation of road space at places where queues outside shops make it impossible for pedestrians to maintain safe distances.

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Health charities urge people to use Covid-19 Symptom Tracker app

24 April 2020

The country's most important medical colleges and charities working in the health field have joined forces to urge people - and especially those in the most at-risk groups - to start using the Covid-19 Symptom Tracker app to provide researchers with vitally important data which will be used to fight the coronavirus. The over-70s and those who have pre existing health conditions appear to be most at risk from the effects of COVID-19, yet they are significantly under-represented in the group of people currently providing data through the app. However, early analysis shows that the illness may start with different symptoms in these groups, such as diarrhoea and confusion, rather than the classic cough and fever.

Help fight Covid - join this huge citizen science programme

22 April 2020

More than two and a half million users of the Covid-19 Symptom Tracker app are participating in the world's largest citizen science programme and helping researchers discover more about the virus, how it spreads, how to treat it and how to eliminate it. What they have discovered so far shows that the lockdowns in the UK has been effective in reducing the number of people who have symptomatic Covid-19. At its peak on 2nd April, epidemiologists working alongside machine learning scientists predicted that over two million people aged between 20 and 69 fell into this category, but since then the incidence has been falling steadily, down to around 460,000.

Londoners said... Conversations about mental health

20 February 2019

Thrive LND, the citywide movement to improve the mental health and wellbeing of all Londoners, has published a new report titled Londoners Said…

Do you know the symptoms of cancer?

05 February 2019

A survey of cancer awareness will inform the council about how aware Enfield's residents are of potential cancer symptoms. This will then help the council to inform residents in a better way about the symptoms to look out for and how to reduce the risk of cancer.

The First and Last Mile: Changing the dynamic of everyday journeys

20 January 2019

The First and Last Mile - the Dynamic of Everyday Journeys is based on research into how 850 regular commuters are able to incorporate active travel into their journeys to and from work. It focuses on the benefits that might be secured if people switched from car travel to public transport and used more active travel modes for the journey to and from the railway station or bus stop - making the most of the 'first and last' mile of their daily journey.

The Women Time Project

19 August 2018

The Women Time Project is a programme for individual women aimed at improving mental wellbeing, self-empowerment and health.

Public Health Strategies and Inequalities in Enfield

09 January 2018

At its meeting on 16 January Enfield Council's Health Scrutiny Panel will be briefed on the Council's strategies to tackle public health and health inequalties by Tessa Lindfield, Director of Public Health, and Glenn Stewart, Assistant Director of Public Health. The briefing paper provided for the meeting notes that "The role of public health is to advise on the design of Council and NHS services and the design of Enfield as a place to promote health and reduce inequalities. This recognises.......

Crisis in council services stemming from underfunding of London boroughs

22 November 2017

The following figures are taken from a press release regarding London Councils' pre-budget submission London has experienced significant funding cuts The 2017-18 local government finance settlement confirmed cuts to core funding of 26% in real terms over 3 years. This comes on top of a cumulative cut to core funding of over 50% in real terms since 2010-11, meaning core funding from central government to councils will have fallen by 63% in real terms over the decade to 2019-20. London.......

Revealed: Every Londoner is breathing in toxic particulates

11 October 2017

New research reveals that every Londoner in the capital lives in an area exceeding World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for the most dangerous toxic particulates known as PM2.5. The research, based on the latest updated London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory, also shows that 7.9 million Londoners – nearly 95 per cent of the capital’s population – live in areas of London that exceed the guidelines by 50 per cent or more. PM2.5 are small toxic air particles which are.......

How do we make our streets healthy?

05 October 2017

Last week saw the first Healthy Streets conference, held appropriately enough in Walthamstow, the location of pioneering Mini Holland and Villageisation schemes.  More than 300 attendees were there to explore the connections between public health and transport strategies.  Topics covered included health-led street design, re-allocation of road space, behaviour change and measures to improve air quality. Public health specialists: "Active travel is the wonder drug" Healthy Streets is.......

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Have your say on the Mayor of London's transport strategy

26 July 2017

Londoners have until 2 October to give their views on the draft Transport Strategy that was published by the Mayor of London in June. The strategy is described as "the start of an ambitious plan that will reshape London over the next 25 years. It sets out a bold approach to achieve an essential vision – to create a healthier, fairer city; one that is not only home to more people, but that is a better place to live in." The complete draft document is over 150 pages long, but there is a.......

Laugh yourself well!

17 May 2017

Introducing to the area a new, friendly group with an emphasis on promoting the huge mental and physical positives that laughter brings. The free local community group sessions will use a variety of techniques and exercises to stimulate laughter, break down boundaries and reap the resultant benefits. Your mood will be lifted, stress levels will be lowered and your health and well-being will be improved. All you need to bring is yourself (and some family and friends!!) and an open mind........

Survey into dementia care, support and awareness

21 December 2016

The Department of Health is carrying out a survey into the experiences of dementia patients and their families and carers.  The deadline for responses is 31 January 2017. Dementia: care, support and awareness The Government’s aim is for England to be the best place in the world for people with dementia, their families and carers to live and the best place to undertake research into dementia. We want to hear first-hand from people with dementia, their families and carers if we are.......

Are you 40 or above? Help research people's thinking skills

21 December 2016

If you're 40 or above and live in the UK, you could help a research project that is looking at how people's thinking skills change - or in some cases stay the same - as we get older. The research is being led by Dr Alan J. Gow, Associate Professor in Psychology at the School of Social Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, and is collecting data using a survey, which you can fill in online or on paper.  Either way, it should take about 15 to 20 minutes to complete. The survey is.......

How can you ensure you have Healthy Lungs for Life?

23 August 2016

During September the Healthy Lungs for Life campaign will be running free events at various locations in London.  Visitors to the Healthy Lungs for Life "bubble" will be offered free tests of lung function (spirometry), advice on lung health and how to protect against air pollution, and a chance to take part in an interactive game. The main organisations behind the campaign, which is Europe-wide, are the European Respiratory Society and the European Lung Foundation. On Monday 5.......

Time to crack down on illegal idling

23 August 2016

It is a little known fact that running a car engine while not in traffic is illegal.  Another little known fact is that turning off engines while stationary, even for a very short time, significantly reduces emissions of toxic exhaust fumes and climate-changing greenhouse gases. Recently the City of London Police began enforcing the law against running engines while parked, and there are plans to extend this to more London boroughs - unfortunately, Enfield is not on the list. An online.......

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Fair Funding for Enfield: Join the campaign

05 August 2016

A petition has been launched in support of a cross-party campaign demanding "Fairer Funding for Enfield".  The petition has been organised by the Enfield Over 50s Forum and has the strong support of both political parties represented on Enfield Council.  Enfield residents of all ages are invited to sign - the effects of underfunding are felt across the generations. FAIRER FUNDING FOR ENFIELD A cross-political party Petition addressed to the Secretary of State, Department of.......

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Become a Friend of Cooking Champions today!

While we admire and support the Christmas campaigns that we see pop up in December, we also know that help is urgently needed all year round, each and every year. As some people pack away after the festive break, we are still here.

Our support is not limited to a food package, but it leaps beyond - we form connections, we listen and respond to everyone who steps through our doors. We open up a warm, safe, environment which aims to feel like a home away from home.

For us to continue to thrive and grow, and keep supporting as many people as possible, we are asking you to become a Friend of Cooking Champions. Even a donation of just £5-10 per month can make a HUGE impact on the lives of those who come through our doors.

Pop to our People's Fundraising page to donate, and we promise to keep you updated with how your support is making a difference. Thank you, we appreciate you! Team Cooking Champions
