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Broomfield House

This month's botanical sculptures have a herbal theme

13 April 2016

During April the theme for the Spirals of Life exhibition in Broomfield Conservatory is Bamboo and Grass.  "Botanical sculptures" created by Cathy Taylor and June Dawes can be seen nestling among the normal plants in the flower beds. Grasses from Broomfield Park, with Cow Parsley (porcelain paper clay with porcelain slip)Cathy writes: "Can you imagine how to make a sculpture of grass? It's not easy, is it? Ai Wei Wei did it, but his grass was hard and spiky, and each tuft of grass.......

Broomfield House - much has happened in the past year, find out about it at the Trust AGM

31 March 2016

The Broomfield House Trust will holding its Annual General Meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday 5th April.  The venue is the Beatrice Newton Room at the Fox Lane United Reformed Church complex​.  Entrance is via the Burford Centre entrance in Burford Gardens. Show Map Much has happened in the past year with regard to the future of this historical property, so there will a lot to discuss - but the meeting can only last two.......

Broomfield House - public consultation begins

03 September 2015

Starting this week, local people will be asked by Enfield Council to give their views about what should be done with the fire-damaged remains of Broomfield House.  The consultation - oneline and by post - will also ask about options for the future of the historic Stableyard and of Broomfield Park as a whole. This Sunday's Palmers Green Festival will provide an opportunity to find out more about the house and future options.  Enfield Council will have a stall where you'll be able to.......

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Model will help public form a view about the future of Broomfield House

20 May 2015

Efforts are continuing to obtain the funds needed to restore Broomfield House.  In preparation for a probable public consultation exercise later in the year, a model of the house dating from 1951 (the model, that is - the house is rather older!) is to go on show.  It is hoped that a Conservation Management Plan for the whole of Broomfield Park, currently in development, will enable the Broomfield House Trust and Enfield Council to make a second, successful, bid for Heritage Lottery.......

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Broomfield House restoration project update

04 July 2014

The Restoring Broomfield House website has published reports about the progress of the project to restore the house at the centre of Broomfield Park, which was seriously damaged by fires during the 1980s. In May the Broomfield House Trust met English Heritage representatives, who recommended that a conservation management plan should be developed covering the entire park, followed by an options study that would investigate all possible ways forward, including having some degree of commercial.......

Remains of Broomfield House murals "in good condition"

03 March 2014

After the fire at Broomfield House in 1984, parts of the interior fittings that could be salvaged were removed and put in store.  They included the striking murals on the staircase created by George Lanscroon.  Now, thirty years later, the crates have been opened and their contents inspected.  Colin Younger reports. The Lanscroon Murals: After the fire….long after the fire! One of uncertainties about the scope and cost of the rebuilding of Broomfield House has been the.......

TV cameras revisit Broomfield House

11 November 2013

TV cameras were in Broomfield Park this week filming the ruins of Broomfield House and interviewing Councillor Del Goddard about the prospects for its future. The footage is intended for a programme which is expected to be shown on BBC next month. The following report is by Colin Younger of the Broomfield House Working Party. Filming for the BBC-commissioned programme as a follow-up to the 2003 series “Restoration” series took place in Broomfield Park on 11th November. The two presenters,.......

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New film celebrates Broomfield Park and House - their past, present and future...

26 July 2013

A new short film created by director Christine Lalla celebrates the history of Broomfield Park and its once magnificent centrepiece, Broomfield House.  Christine has superimposed film footage from sixty years ago and from earlier this year, plus still photography from as far back as the 1880s, over a soundtrack of local residents speaking about their memories of the Park and of the House in its heyday - of times when Olympic sprinters would train on the running track, when crowds of.......

Broomfield House film will help restoration campaign

04 July 2013

The recorded memories of residents who visited Broomfield House before the disastrous fires in the 1980s will form a central part of a film which is currently being made about the House.  Film maker Christine Lalla has interviewed a number of local people about their reminiscences and the recordings will feature in the soundtrack of the film, which will be used to publicise the work of the Broomfield House Working Party to rebuild and reopen the historic building for community use. With.......

Broomfield House campaigners considering next move

18 March 2013

On 3 March Enfield Council officers and representatives of the Broomfield House Working Group met Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) officers to discuss the reasons for the failure of their recent bid for funds to restore Broomfield House. They were told that HLF officers had in fact recommended to the board of the National Heritage Memorial Fund that the bid for £4 million funding should pass the first round of decision-making. In the event, faced with the task of evaluating ten new projects and with.......

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Broomfield House: What is the council up to?

21 September 2022

The saga of Broomfield House rolls slowly on, but what kind of ending it is heading towards remains as obscure as ever. Enfield Council has begun the process of submitting a new bid for Lottery Heritage Fund money to be used in connection with the ruined mansion. But the council has given no hint of its proposals to the public and, despite decades of hard work, community groups have again been sidelined.

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Council recruiting community engagement officer to help 'unlock Broomfield Park for the community'

19 July 2024

Enfield Council is recruiting an officer whose role will be to engage with the public during the development phase of a project to 'memorialise' Broomfield House and 'conserve and enhance' Broomfield Park.

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