The Enfield Dispatch is one year old this week! The 13th issue of the monthly community newspaper was published yesterday and is now being distributed to several hundred locations across the borough, so go and pick up your copy. You can also get it delivered to your door by becoming a member.
On Wednesday Enfield Council's councillor conduct committee dismissed council leader Nesil Caliskan's appeal against a ruling that she broke the council's code of conduct.
On Wednesday Enfield Council's Councillor Conduct Committee will meet to consider the appeal launched by the council's leader, Cllr Nesil Caliskan, against the findings of the council's monitoring officer that she had breached the council's code of conduct and that some of her actions 'amounted to bullying'.
An officer from Enfield Council will be at the Palmers Green ward forum on Wednesday 4th September to provide an update on the Quieter Neighbourhoods programme and traffic and parking problems.
Issue 11 of the Enfield Dispatch is now available from hundreds of locations across the borough. You can also get it delivered to your door by becoming a member.
The July 2019 issue of Enfield Dispatch leads on the finding that the leader of Enfield Council has been found to have committed multiple code of conduct breaches. You can pick up a print copy or download a PDF.
The June edition of Enfield Dispatch has been published and is being distributed. Distribution points include newsstands outside the Ruth Winston Centre and Southgate Station. You can also read it online.
Proposals for redrawing ward boundaries across Enfield borough envisage major changes to wards in the Palmers Green area. The present Palmers Green ward would be shifted to the west, with Green Lanes as its focus and incorporating the whole of the Lakes Estate.