pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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osborne and windsor roads cpz leafletIn response to a petition from residents, Enfield Council is carrying out an initial consultation on proposals for a controlled parking zone which would take in the whole of Osborne Road and Windsor Road, N13.  Two options are up for consultation:

Option A proposes controls for an hour or two during the day. During this period, only those with a permit would be able to park in the zone. This would deter long-stay parking by commuters, but anyone would be free to park in the zone at all other times. A permit for this type of zone is half the cost of one for a zone that operates all day.

Option B controls parking across the day but comes with higher permit prices to account for the extended enforcement activity. The Council says this option should prove effective at also deterring all-day parking by commuters, shop workers and people visiting the nearby shops and services.

Annual permit charges for the all-day scheme (Option B) would range from £55 up to £330 depending on engine size.  For Option A the charges would be halved.

Once the deadline for comments passes (22 February) the Council will consider comments received and decide whether to take forward the scheme, and what control hours to use.  If there is sufficient community support, a detailed design will be prepared and the Council will commence the legal process (including further consultation) to take the scheme forward.

The Council is additionally proposing the provision of cycle hangars and motorcycle parking bays.

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