The following letter has been sent to an unspecified group of residents.
Dear Resident Date 28.July 2019
Bowes Southgate Green Primary School
It has come to our attention that you have recently received a communication from David Burrowes which contains inaccuracies regarding the situation at Bowes Southgate Green Primary School.
To clarify — Enfield Council has never instructed the Enfield Learning Trust (ELT) who are the Academy Trust responsible for Bowes Primary School not to take a reception class after September 2019. Enfield Council does not control admissions at Academies. Enfield Council has in fact agreed to fund any admissions to Southgate Green in the same way as any other reception class in the borough is funded.
The Council is also facilitating discussions between Broomfield School and ELT to try and secure a longer term lease on the site for the additional primary school places. Broomfield School and ELT have provisionally agreed an extension of the lease. Once this is formally agreed it will need approval from the Secretary of State for Education.
To be clear, Enfield Council as a local authority, does not have the power to either open or close an Academy Trust school. Furthermore, should any school or academy wish to change its designation or pupil admission number there is a formal process to be undertaken which would need to be approved by the Department of Education.
We will continue to work closely with the School and Academy Trust and hope to be able to facilitate s resolution shortly
Councillor Rick Jewell
Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Education and Protection
This the relevant wording from the letter sent out by David Burrowes.
Enfield Council has instructed Bowes Primary School NOT to take a reception class after September 2019 at the Bowes Southgate Green (Bowes — Wilmer Way) site.
This decision by the Labour Council means the end of the school — I am campaigning to reverse this decision.
Bowes Southgate Green is a successful and popular school, which OFSTED rates as 'outstanding'. The Council is trying to say that there is no need for a primary school In the area but GLA figures and Enfield Council's Strategy and Approach to Delivering Pupil Places suggest that the need for primary school places in the southwest of Enfield Is expected to grow significantly by 2022-23 and beyond. In our area, parents are not able to send their children to thelr local school, with too many having to travel across the borough.
This is not a new issue - there has long been recognition that the Southgate Green area has a problem when it comes to securing a local primary school place given the popularity of nearby schools and limited catchment. After a long campaign with residents the Labour Council in October 2015 confirmed the "need to continue developing existing proposals to deliver additional permanent primary school places in the South West area." Whilst the Council resolved to investigate the possibility of a new school at Grovelands (which has not been progressed), it also decided to make use of space at Broomfield School to provide additional primary school places on a temporary basis in advance of the permanent provision.
We must reverse the decision to no longer admit children in Reception to Bowes Southgate Green primary school after September 2019.
The expectation of existing parents at Bowes Southgate Green Primary Schoot and prospective new parents is that this school either at Broomfield School or nearby would become a permanent provision as promised by the Council.
As local parents say: "The decision to wind down BSG will split siblings across the two Bowes primary primary school sites and across the North Circular Road. The site at Bowes New Southgate is unable to accommodate existing children from Bowes Southgate Green due to current waiting list demands. This decision will decimate the school, and disadvantage remaining pupils who will be left in a ghost school as the school fades away. There are no other viable options for schools In the area."
In October 2015 the Council decided to look at "a longer term option and subject to further discussion with the school, consultation, feasibility and funding" of the "potential extra primary capacity through a school expansion to become an all-age (+2FE or +3FE at Broomfield) meet demand from 2018." Now - The Labour Council has reneged on its promises and let down local parents - by taking away future school places at Bowes Southgate Green Primary School and not offering any alternative permanent provision. Please go to and search Save Bowes Southgate Green School and sign the petition.
Now with the plan to build more flats on Arnos Grove Station Car Park it also does not make sense to close our outstanding local primary school. Our area has already suffered from the Council not planning sufficiently for the impact of developments in the North Circular area on surrounding roads, local schools and healths services.