pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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Speed (mph)NorthboundSouthbound
Total 13279 12318
Vpp85 26.2 26.3
Mean 21.5 21.5
SD 4.9 5.2
0-5 9 41
5-10 166 248
10-15 983 1015
15-20 3825 3111
20-25 5416 5025
25-30 2309 2384
30-35 471 409
35-40 82 69
40-45 10 9
45-50 3 2
50-55 2 2
55-60 2 2
60-65 1 1
Vehicles = 25597   
Posted speed limit = 30 mph, Exceeding = 1065 (4.161%), Mean Exceeding = 32.90 mph
Maximum = 60.1 mph, Minimum = 0.0 mph, Mean = 21.5 mph
85% Speed = 26.28 mph, 95% Speed = 29.47 mph, Median = 21.53 mph
10 mph Pace = 16 - 26, Number in Pace = 18188 (71.06%)
Variance = 25.85, Standard Deviation = 5.08 mph

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