The Pinkham Way Alliance has today sent an urgent message to its supporters warning of a new threat to Pinkham Wood.

I’m very sorry to have to inform you that plans for a huge waste plant at Pinkham Way are back.
This is a very serious turn of events, and on Tuesday 14 July, we must briefly attend a council meeting in Wood Green to let Haringey know how angry we are.
Barnet Council aims to relocate its 6-acre Cricklewood Waste Transfer Station (WTS) to the PW site, working again with the North London Waste Authority (NLWA).
Any plant handling black-bag waste can have major problems with odour and fly infestations.
WTS facilities are a particular fire risk. Statistics show that, between 2011 and 2013, there was a fire at a UK WTS almost every three days. And Barnet’s would be directly adjacent both to the A406 and to the East Coast Main Line. Just the place then.
The number of daily lorry movements will approach that of the previous, abandoned waste plant proposal, on one of the most polluted and congested road stretches in London, whose problems result, as we know too well, in regular traffic saturation on local roads.
As ever, the planning policy underlying the situation is complex. But the shabby manoeuvrings of Haringey and of some of the North London Waste Plan (NLWP) officers and advisers are dismally familiar.
I’ll be in touch again soon to give you more detail. If you want to know more now, you can read about it on our website.
If permitted, I’ll be addressing the senior Haringey politicians briefly at the start of their cabinet meeting, on Tuesday 14 July, 6.30pm, Haringey Civic Centre, Wood Green, N22 8LE.
The Haringey cabinet is on the verge of making key decisions about the future of Pinkham Way. Without question, we must fill the public gallery and more.
My speech will be short; your visit will be over in barely half-an-hour. Please put the date in your diary, and let your friends and neighbours know.
Kind regards,
Stephen Brice
Pinkham Way Alliance
Barnet's plan to build a waste plant on Pinkham Way contradicts the view that the fact that the North London Waste Authority now wishes to build a huge waste incinerator in Edmonton means that Pinkham Wood is now safe from development.
The public consultation on the Edmonton proposals has only five days left to run, as explained int his message:
We're emailing you regarding the North London Heat and Power Project, as you asked to be kept informed via email.
The North London Heat and Power Project is all about proposals to replace the existing Energy from Waste facility at the EcoPark in Edmonton with an Energy Recovery Facility by 2025.
There is now one week left until the end of the second phase of consultation. If you would like to give feedback on proposals before they are submitted to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) in the autumn, please do so before 5pm on 30 June.
PINS will then hold its own examination, before making a recommendation to the Secretary of State who will make the final decision on the project. If you want to comment after 30 June, please see for how to do this.
To submit feedback on proposals before 30 June, comments must be made in writing by:
- Completing a feedback form on our website:
- Email:
- Sending a hard copy of the feedback form to: FREEPOST HEAT AND POWER
All comments welcome - you can write as much or as little as you like.
Kind regards,
North London Heat and Power Project Team
Phone: 020 8489 3940
Twitter: @NLHPP
Facebook: North London Heat and Power Project
For earlier discussion about this project, see our forums. A crucial point is that this £500 milllion project is being planned at a time when North London does not have an agreed waste plan and therefore no forecast of how much waste there will be to burn at Edmonton. As you can read in the North London Waste Plan May 2015 newsletter, adoption of a new plan is some way off:
Launch consultation (Regulation 18): Spring 2013
Consultation on draft plan (Regulation 18): Summer/Autumn 2015
Consultation on proposed submission plan (Regulation 19) : Summer 2016
Submission (Regulation 22) : Autumn 2016
Public hearings: Winter 2016/17
Inspector’s report : Summer 2017
:Autumn 2017