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The Pinkham Way Alliance has issued a campaign update to its supporters, coupled with a suggestion of how people can help reduce the scandalous waste of food that occurs in London.

pinkham way alliance logo


First news on the results of the hearing

Do you want the good news, or the bad news? I’ve got both, arising from the hearing in front of the Planning Inspector in August.

To recap, she examined aspects of Haringey’s Local Plan. The Council had included Pinkham Way in its ‘Site Allocations’ (SA) – to allocate the site as of specific importance to its employment strategy.

The unequivocally good news is that the site has been deleted from the SA as it did nothing to implement Haringey’s employment policies.

The bad news is that the site’s underlying employment designation remains. However, our many arguments against this phony designation are still valid, and Council evidence in support is as fictional as it ever was.

A consultation on this latest draft (the ‘Main Modifications’) has started, and will end on 13 January. Our response to Haringey will object strongly to this relentless refusal to recognise Pinkham Way as the open green space the real evidence shows it to be.

We’ll be asking for your signature in support (as if you couldn’t guess… ). Please keep an eye open.


Food waste

You may have noticed the Evening Standard campaign on scandalous food waste in London and the tremendous efforts of the Felix Project. The Project is now crowdfunding to open a second depot in the capital.

For details, visit The Felix Project.

In a dark world, have a wonderful Christmas. We'll be in touch very soon afterward.

Best wishes,

Stephen Brice
Pinkham Way Alliance

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