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pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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Campaigners seeking to protect a nature conservation site next to the North Circular Road are appealing to supporters to fill the public galleries at a planning meeting next Wednesday afternoon.

The Pinkham Way Alliance has learnt to its dismay that the North London Waste Authority has revived its previously abandoned plan to use the woodland adjacent to Pinkham Way as a potential site for a residual waste processing plant.

The meeting next week will be examining the draft Haringey Local Plan.  The Pinkham Way Alliance has submitted a very strong case for removal of the site's Employment designation.  They hope that a strong turnout of supporters will help persuade the planning inspectors that this case is unanswerable.

For more details, see the following message from the Alliance.


WEDNESDAY 31st AUGUST at 1.30pm
Haringey Civic Centre
265 High Rd
London N22 8ZW

I hope you’ve had a great summer. Earlier on I told you that Inspector Christine Thorby had been appointed to examine the Haringey Local Plan. This examination began today.
Unfortunately, in a bid to persuade the Inspector to allow the Employment designation to continue on the Pinkham Way site, the NLWA has resurrected its threat to develop a residual waste plant on Pinkham Way.

No, your eyes don’t deceive you.

In July, the Inspector asked participants to respond to certain issues she raised. You can read both the PWA responses Part 1 and Part 2 (we had to split the document due to its size) and the NLWA responses. The NLWA argue that, if its plans for Edmonton fail, they will/could need to use Pinkham Way as a residual waste treatment plant.
The session which really matters to us in PWA is next Wednesday, 31st August, starting at 1.30pm at Haringey Civic Centre.

David Diggle of Turley’s will speak on behalf of PWA, supported by Evelyn Ryan and myself.
Many of you will remember the one day session in February 2012, where you filled the Civic Centre and the public gallery. We need to repeat that marvellous level of attendance on 31 August.
We need as many of us as possible there next Wednesday to show Haringey Council, the North London Waste Authority, and, most importantly, the Inspector, that we consider the Pinkham Way site is totally unsuitable for development - other than small scale local community related uses such as small educational centres and measures to improve connectivity through the site - let alone for a residual or other waste use, which remains as wholly unacceptable to residents now as it was five years ago.
The site is a high value nature conservation site that must be protected. This is the only SINC in Greater London which has a dual designation of Employment and SINC. The Employment designation needs to be removed.
Please try and come if at all possible, if only for a part of the session. We must remember though that, although these are public hearings, no public participation – applause, barracking etc – is allowed, tempting though it might be!

Stephen Brice
Pinkham Way Alliance

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