pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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Question 1. What do think is good about the area?

The mix of good quality independent businesses like Olivia Dry Cleaning, More Than Coffee, The Only Place For Pictures, Rimini, Nirvana Health, & Baskervilles, together with decently reliable chains like Starbucks, Waitrose & Morrisons

Question 2. What do you think is less good about the area?

The number of betting shops & beauty salons – far too many of both. The empty/vacant shops, the increasing number of smokers polluting the air outside pubs & cafes, especially The Alfred Herring.

Question 3. What would you like to see to improve the area?

A real Christmas Tree, & proper amplification & staggered choir area at the Triangle at Christmas time. An independent Deli on the high street, lots more input & support for the Sunday Market, a decent, modern florist in the main area.

Question 4a. Specific aspects – traffic

Awful congestion along the park coming towards the library

Question 4b. Specific aspects – parking

always stressful, always expensive – surely this discourages potential

Question 4d. Specific aspects – look of the shops/architecture

There are some interesting-looking buildings – some of the architecture on view above the shops could be brought back to its original grandeur – e.g keeping clocks in good repair.

Question 4e. Specific aspacts – type and range of shops

no more betting shops & beauty salons,

Question 4f. Specific aspects – amount and use of pavement space

a space for pub smokers to do so away from the public pavement. 

non-smokers should not have to walk through a fug of smoke just because they are walking along the pavement in their own high street

Question 4g. Specific aspects – the Triangle public space

See Christmas tree suggestion – and re-open & maintain the public toilets – or turn them into something else – a grown-up wine bar – not a pub or a chain pub, or a bookshop. Perhaps the Triangle could be used for free-standing ‘pop-up’ shops at weekends – a florist, a crepe seller, etc

Question 4h. Specific aspects – Greenery

Greenery including flower planters: Would be great to see lots of these – uplifting in general, & gives the area a much more cared-for ambience which would encourage shoppers to linger.


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