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The developer Fairview Homes is inviting the public to an exhibition of its plans to build around 300 dwellings and a new school on Green Belt land between Oakwood and Enfield Town.

The site is a large field on the south side of Enfield Road, extending downhill as far as Boxers Lake.  The proposal has already run into considerable opposition both from people living in the vicinity and from others who are opposed to inpinging on Green Belt land. 

At this stage Fairview have not applied for planning permission.  They have submitted a "formal request for a Scoping Opinion from the London Borough of Enfield (‘LB Enfield’) in respect of the proposed development of Land at Enfield Road (the ‘Development Site’) for: An 8 form-entry secondary free school, with a 4 form-entry sixth form college built to Education Funding Agency standards with additional theatre and sporting facilities together with a residential development of c.300 dwellings”.

enfield road green belt development indicative masterplan

"Indicative masterplan" of the proposed school and housing

Enfield Road Watch, a group set up to fight the proposals, has launched an online petition, which states that

For many years this land has been used for grazing horses and is the habitat for a wide variety of wildlife, including hedgehogs, bats, muntjac deer, pheasants, owls, woodpeckers and many species of birds. It also contains beautiful specimens of ancient oak trees and hedgerows.


Local residents, the Enfield Society, the Western Enfield Residents Association, Campaign for Rural England, the London Green Belt Council, Local Ward Councillors believe that Enfield should retain its Green Belt land and the wildlife that live there. Any threats by developers should be fought by local people and those that care about the natural environment.

This land is Green Belt and an Area of Special Character as detailed and confirmed by Enfield Council.  Forming part of the Merryhills Brook Valley extending down to Boxer’s Lake and its Green Chain link, it performs an important function extending the Green Belt up to the urban edge and creating a separation between Slades Hill (World’s End) and Oakwood.  This forms an important and valuable connection passing through the Green Belt.

The public events will be held on

  • Friday 25 September 3.30pm – 8.30pm
  • Saturday 26 September 9.30am – 12.30pm
  • Monday 28 September 3.30pm – 6.30pm

at St Peter’s Church, Vera Avenue, N21 1DN (near Grange Park station).

A newsletter published by Fairview sets out the case for the development as follows:

Is there need for a new secondary school?

Fairview has reviewed the London Borough of Enfield’s most recent public report on education need. It states that despite current plans for future schools, a further 8 forms of secondary school entry will need to be provided in the Central and Western part of the Borough by September 2019 to meet demand.

Fairview New Homes, in tandem with the London Borough of Enfield, has undertaken a detailed survey of brownfield and Green Belt land in the Central and West areas of the Borough. Their findings found the land at Enfield Road to be the only suitable and available site which could accommodate the school that the Borough needs.

What are the school proposals?

This is a unique opportunity to deliver an Education Funding Agency (EFA) funded free school. The school will offer 8 forms commencing at year 7 entry, including a 4 form entry sixth form college, which includes facilities for use by the wider local community.

What is Fairview’s involvement in the development?

Fairview control an option on the land, with an ambition to develop the whole site for housing. For the reasons set out above, the company has been encouraged to allocate a proportion of the land for the development of the school

Who will run the new school?

Fairview have appointed an education consultant who has produced a shortlist of potential education providers who are interested in running the new school. Only a provider with a track record in running exceptional schools, which understands Enfield and the local community, is expected to succeed in the selection process.

What are the next steps for the planning application?

We are in early pre-planning discussions with Enfield Council and will be circulating details of our first set of public exhibitions in the next couple of weeks. This event will explain in greater detail the opportunities for the site, but also ask for feedback on the key issues we need to respond to.

Members of the public can also contact Fairview about the proposals at the following address:

Enfield Road Consultation
c/o Four Communications
20 St Thomas Street
London SE1 9BF

020 8338 0174



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