The Southgate Green Association (SGA) is asking members of the public to object to an application to erect a 15 metre high mobile phone mast on the grass verge outside the Southgate Beaumont building in Cannon Hill. The following text is taken from the SGA website:
An application has been made for the installation of a telephone mast and four ancillary cabinets on the verge opposite the junction of Cannon Hill and Selborne Road, outside the Southgate Beaumont. Jan 2015
The mast will be 15 metres tall (3 metres higher than the street lights on Cannon Hill, and bulkier). The cabinets will be approx. 1.6 metres tall.
SGA will object to this proposed development on the following grounds:
- It is an inappropriate development for a Conservation Area
- The proposed site is outside a listed building
- The four ancillary cabinets are bulky and would be very dominant in the streetscene
- There will be loss of soft landscaping due to the size of the cabinets
Plans for this application can be seen online at The application number is 14/04224/FUL.
You can see a copy of the SGA’s letter of objection here. Please give us your support by sending your own comments.