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trent park planning statement

Berkeley Homes have submitted a planning application for their scheme to build housing on the former Middlesex University campus in Trent Park.

The application is listed thus:

16/04324/FUL  |  Phased redevelopment of site to provide a total of 262 residential units (134 apartments, 128 houses, including 18 affordable units) with museum, cafe and leisure uses, ancillary parking, vehicle and pedestrian access routes and cycle ways, involving the demolition of Bevan Hall, Lakeview, Wisteria Building, Jebb Building, the Student Union, Gubbay Hall, the Sports Hall, Sassoon Hall, the Bothy, South Lodge, Music Block and ancillary structures, restoration and change of use of The Mansion House to museum/ event space with ancillary cafe (980 sq.m Class D1) at ground floor (in part) and basement levels with 15 residential units above; restoration of the Orangery and swimming pool involving single storey extension to provide gym/fitness facility (344 sq.m, Class D2); conversion of the Dower House into 2 houses involving partial demolition, extension and internal/external alterations; refurbishment of Gardeners Cottage involving alterations to fenestration; works to Rookery Lodge involving demolition of lean to and erection of part single, part 2-storey rear extension; conversion of The Stable Block to 15 residential units; erection of 232 new dwellings in a mix of one to four storey buildings with garages and vehicle parking at surface and undercroft/basement levels, together with restoration of landscaped public amenity areas, including statues, urns and gates, and outdoor tennis courts, provision of on-site childrens play space and sustainable drainage systems; surfacing and laying out of existing hockey club car park,highway alterations to the junction of Snakes Lane with Bramley Road and pedestrian crossing, including erection of shuttle bus garage and driver facilities, bus shelter, single family dwelling house and provision of cycle parking. (An Environmental Statement, including a non-technical summary, also accompanies the planning application in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011, as amended 2015  |  Former Middlesex University Trent Park Bramley Road N14 4YZ

The application, which can be found on the Enfield Council website, comprises more than 800 documents.  A good starting point is the Planning Statement Part 1 (a mere 188 pages).

To access all the documents, go to and enter 16/04324/FUL in the search box.

The series of public consultations hosted by Berkeley is now finished, but another opportunity to talk to both developers and council officers will occur on 17th November when the Council will be holding a public meeting of the planning panel at Highlands School.  No decision will be made at this meeting (that will be taken by the planning committee in January) but the meeting is an opportunity for the public to ask questions of planning officers or the developers Berkeley Homes that could shape the proposals.

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