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pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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Hello, I'm looking for any information on the Palmers Green Athletic Club on the Tottenhall Road in the late 1960s - early 70s, particularly the cricket section.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Rich Conquest


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Geoff Norris posted a reply
17 Aug 2017 21:42
Both me and my Dad played cricket and football for many years -Dad especially - and I am in possession of a cricket bat The David Conquest Batting Trophy presented to Dad as having won Batsman of the season the most . My Mum still keeps in contact with a few of the ex players namely W.Whyte , S Thornton , K Dunn,
My name is Geoff Norris . 07595749599. Please call or email
Best Regards
PGC Webmaster posted a reply
17 Aug 2017 22:14
Thanks Geoff, I think your answer will make someone very happy! I'll pass this on to Richard Conquest, who is the person making the enquiry. In fact, I received another message from him only last night, with more detail:

I'm looking for information on the Palmers Green Athletic club, cricket section of the late 1960s early 70s, especially any one who would remember my late brother David G Conquest first team captain.

My brother sadly died at only twenty six years.

My interest now is 'The David Conquest Memorial trophy', a cased bat of his which was presented annually to the most improved batsman, a photograph of it being presented by myself Richard Conquest along with an article appeared in the ' Palmer Green Gazette September 1971 . If this trophy still exists I would love to have it. I guess there will be little interest in it now. The possibility of it being disposed of when the PGA club disbanded in the 1980s or 90s is highly likely but any help in discovering its fate would be greatly appreciated

PGC Webmaster posted a reply
24 Aug 2017 00:23
To wrap up this story: Richard Conquest, who was enquiring, lives these days in Norfolk, and it turns out that Geoff Norris, whose father has possession of the cricket bat that commemorates Richard's late brother, lives only 20 miles from him.

Richard says: " At nearly seventy years old I'm so pleased to understood and make use of technology. Without the power of the Internet my successful search would never have happened, for that I'm truly grateful."

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