SL1 Superloop consultation: Next steps
(Excerpt from the full consultation report)
Following careful consideration of all the feedback we received to the consultation, we have decided to proceed with our proposals but with some adjustments.
The new express route will now serve South Chingford by stopping at two additional stops at the Crooked Billet Roundabout. These new stops are on the existing route proposed and therefore will have very little impact on journey times.
We have added additional stop locations at Meridian Water to better serve the development and provide improved pedestrian access. The service would now stop at stop H (Eley Trading Estate) and stop J (Ravenside Trading Estate).
We are no longer proposing to reduce the frequency of the existing bus route-34 in the evenings, so the 34 will continue to have a service of buses every 12 minutes in the evenings. This is to ensure there is a reliable and frequent bus service during hours of darkness for people to make local journeys between stops which may not be served by the new express route.
All issues raised in the consultation will be answered in a Response to Issues Raised.