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Forum topic: Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood meeting: A range of views recorded

Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood meeting: A range of views recorded

Candy Newman

30 Jan 2020 23:54 #5181

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You and I are living in a different universe Mr Eden. I have not seen anything anti walking or anti cycling coming from Paul Mandel or anyone else on either side of this debate.

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Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood meeting: A range of views recorded

Darren Edgar

31 Jan 2020 09:32 #5186

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God knows what universe you are living in then, Candy, as it certainly isn't the present or current one. Only need to look at the guff coming out of the SOGL brigade and the Court case they unanimously lost. I've been off twitter a while but he used to be all over that with the same rhetoric. Basically nothing should ever get in the way of car convenience.

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Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood meeting: A range of views recorded

Karl Brown

31 Jan 2020 10:10 #5193

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Candy, i think its well known, and documented, that Paul has taken an extremely strong and at times over-aggressive approach to cycling in the borough for the last five years or so, or more particularly anything with the council or a cycle supporters name attached to it. The linked personal-aggression led to him being banned from this site, and I have an inkling possible others. it caused much upset and community division; so it's positive he seems to be taking a more considered approach in the round to his own wishes this time.

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Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood meeting: A range of views recorded

Candy Newman

07 Feb 2020 17:00 #5207

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SOGL brigade? Who are they? Well I am not on twitter so yes, I am in a different universe perhaps. Certainly most people in Oakfield Road would support walking and cycling as nearly all of us walk and some of us cycle. However as we already have a fairly quiet, family friendly, disabled friendly road, we do not want that to change. Reasonably no ? Any strong responses from us to the original LTN plans come from fear.

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Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood meeting: A range of views recorded

Karl Brown

08 Feb 2020 15:49 #5208

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One thing that now seems abundantly clear from the many posts on aspects of the Fox Lane LTN, be it the actively involved groups, the strong views of many residents, individually or collectively such as from Oakfield, or the dirty / noisy view of the GLBA letter is that with their acknowledged problems of speed and volume and pollution no one particularly wants anyone else’s vehicle anywhere near their home or business. And I suspect that's the real heart of the issue.

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Fox Lane low-traffic neighbourhood meeting: A range of views recorded

Darren Edgar

10 Feb 2020 10:17 #5218

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Save Our Green Lanes. It's an anti cycling anti walking campaign heavily back by the likes of Paul Mandel and which has cost you & I significant amounts of money via Council expenditure fighting its campaigns even when ending up in Court and SOGL losing on all counts.

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A 'dashboard' showing traffic volumes and speeds in the Fox Lane area

Adrian Day

10 Feb 2020 16:55 #5221

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Disappointed to see the latest Fox Lane Resident's Association newsletter. Whilst it's good the committee's 'position' statement supports a whole area solution to rat-running, the focus seems to be on a 20mph limit, traffic calming and 'keeping roads open' (presumably to through traffic), rather than addressing the concerns residents have about pollution, danger, noise and quality of life. What is FLDRA's vision for an area with around 3000 residents? How do the leadership plan to help those who can to leave their vehicles at home and walk, cycle and use public transport instead? What is their position on climate change? Does FLDRA want a low traffic neighbourhood? Please attend the AGM on Feb 20th at 19.45, Burford Hall, Burford Gardens if you want to be heard.

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A 'dashboard' showing traffic volumes and speeds in the Fox Lane area

Darren Edgar

11 Feb 2020 11:05 #5224

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Highlights how pointless and biased that FLDRA residents survey was.....

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