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Forum topic: Beautiful Palmers Green?

Beautiful Palmers Green?

Basil Clarke

07 Mar 2018 17:10 #3694

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One of the mews off Park Avenue, where overflowing bins are an everyday occurrence, but they're not usually quite this bad. This photo was taken on Tuesday afternoon, 24 hours later nothing had changed.

Is there anything that we can do to stop this? I presume that because this is private property the council's powers are limited?
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Beautiful Palmers Green?

Basil Clarke

08 Mar 2018 23:36 #3698

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The Council sent out a lorry this afternoon and the rubbish has now gone. They cleared out the two nearest big bins at the same time, but further along the alley I could still see big black bins that were overfull. A great improvement anyway, let's hope it lasts!

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Beautiful Palmers Green?

Basil Clarke

18 Mar 2018 18:14 #3723

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The council cleared away the first pile of rubbish, but it didn't take long for things to get just as bad...

Park Avenue three days ago

Then two of the big bins were emptied, but left open to let rain and snow in, but they didn't stay empty long

And the little pile around the first tree in Park Avenue, which appears every weekend, was there today and included an item of furniture.

Not far away, in Devonshire Road, this was the scene yesterday


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Beautiful Palmers Green?

Basil Clarke

21 Mar 2018 15:10 #3726

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I tweeted the photos to the council and got a reply saying that they would clear up the mess and advising me to report future incidents via the council website . You need an Enfield Connected account to report things online.

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Beautiful Palmers Green?

Katy McGilvray

22 Mar 2018 14:23 #3733

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You can also report incidents like this, as well as other things the council need to be alerted to, via the FixMyStreet app and website. It's faster and easier as it the app can be used on your smartphone. I have great had great success with it.

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Beautiful Palmers Green?

PGC Webmaster

23 Mar 2018 14:44 #3735

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These photos are also being discussed on Facebook - see .

Councillor Daniel Anderson has joined the discussion:

Daniel Anderson Hi all. This area is Devonshire Mews and the service roads behind the shops near Park Avenue. It is, alas, all unregistered land and we use Community Payback (i.e. using offenders who do this as part of their community service) to clear the waste when it accumulates. They were due to be cleared yesterday.

We had audited the area for CCTV, but there was no suitable location - the only lamp post with a suitable view was too low and the unit could have been tampered with. Other locations are being investigated.

The residents have all recently had fly tip warning letters, however there is a high turnover of tenants in this area. We have successfully issued Fixed Penalty Notices where evidence has been found and the area remains regularly patrolled by the officer.

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Beautiful Palmers Green?

Joe Mark O'Connor

23 Mar 2018 22:52 #3736

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I am so surprised that Cllr Daniel Anderson took the time to actually respond, all other residents messages sent by email, twitter and Facebook must of got missed.

A environmentalist shows that they care about the planet and humans by actions by making healthy positive changes to our surroundings, hopefully that would make these filthy people stop dumping their rubbish everywhere, of course if our areas look neglected and miserable then they are not going to respect their surroundings, if people like yourselves in privileged positions made more effort how are areas looked then that would educate them to love their areas.

Oh by the way...The 6 planters that you had dumped in front of businesses in Green Lanes N13...have crumbled and perished in those huge ugly red planters that I heard cost £7,000 what a waste of taxpayers money all that money could of been spent on buying trees and plants to surround the whole of Green Lanes as you do realise its a massive road and so bare and neglected since you have been Councillor, if we're going through regenerating transitions then it should not be in parts and other parts left unattended that is not the way you solve combating air pollution or trying to bring bodies back to our high streets...our areas need beautifying at the moment it all looks like a concrete definitely need ideas and new innovations by bringing the European way of living to the UK by embracing abundance of greenery, we have so many bare lamp posts make use of them by planting flourishing flowers in pots and strapping them on their and get volunteers in the summer to water them, something needs to be had otherwise fly tipping will need to make changes to see changes...

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Beautiful Palmers Green?

Joe Mark O'Connor

24 Mar 2018 12:49 #3737

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Joe Mark O'Connor wrote:

I am so surprised that Cllr Daniel Anderson took the time to actually respond, all other residents messages sent by email, twitter and Facebook must of got missed.

A environmentalist shows that they care about the planet and humans by actions by making healthy positive changes to our surroundings, hopefully that would encourage these environmentally irresponsible people to stop dumping their rubbish everywhere.

It needs to be essentially understood that if our areas looked respectable and cared by the local authority, it is far less likely that it would be less disrespected by the general public. Fly-tipping is costing local authorities a lot of money, we need to better areas with more Greenery this would elevate the area and it would help discourage fly-tipping for good, we need to make the changes to reap the benefits for the area.

Oh by the way...The 6 planters that you had dumped in front of businesses in Green Lanes N13...have crumbled and perished in those huge ugly red planters that I heard cost £7,000 what a waste of taxpayers money all that money could of been spent on buying trees and plants to surround the whole of Green Lanes as you do realise its a massive road and so bare and neglected since you have been Councillor, if we're going through regenerating transitions then it should not be in parts and other parts left unattended that is not the way you solve combating air pollution or trying to bring bodies back to our high streets...our areas need beautifying at the moment it all looks like a concrete definitely need ideas and new innovations by bringing the European way of living to the UK by embracing abundance of greenery, we have so many bare lamp posts make use of them by planting flourishing flowers in pots and strapping them on their and get volunteers in the summer to water them, something needs to be had otherwise fly tipping will need to make changes to see changes...

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