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Forum topic: A Triangular Tree

A Triangular Tree

Basil Clarke

20 Nov 2016 01:16 #2426

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christmas tree palmers green triangle nov 2016The heart of Palmers Green was looking a bit less sad yesterday (until the rain started, at any rate).  This year's Christmas Tree now adorns the these days Treeless Triangle and at 4.30 sharp (actually, a little bit early I thought) its lights were duly switched on.

However, they were the only lights to be turned on - the Christmas lights that are normally strung along Green Lanes have yet to appear.

(Can anyone spot what's missing from the photograph?)

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A Triangular Tree

Kaye Castanheira

20 Nov 2016 21:36 #2427

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Were is the Star?? don't tell me they could not afford one! and another thing on the photo I want to know who decided to put a midget clock in the middle of our centre, it does not look right, it should of been a tall, and huge clock to be the focal point!

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Missing Christmas Tree Star

Chrystalla Georgiou

22 Nov 2016 21:35 #2435

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Good point Kaye,

The Star on a Christmas Tree is the most significant and adoring of the decorations . Maybe, the public are supposed to use their imaginations, and visualise that the Star is heading to the Holy Place of Bethlehem.

Agree about the clock, far too small. Pity.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Kaye Castanheira

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Missing Christmas Tree Star

Kaye Castanheira

22 Nov 2016 23:29 #2436

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Thanks Chrystalla,

I like and appreciate your input, thanks for agreeing with me! Enfield Council have no interest nor care about PG nor any event important like Xmas! Unfortunately it looks like a tree made up economically & slapdash, no heart nor soul was put into it, it's all become commercial and no faith in the people!

Yes the standing clock looks very bizzare and very dainty for such a huge area, another of their budget sprees!

They have another huge clock on the building near to costas coffee, and that is so filthy and the time on the clock has been.incorrect for the past 50 years! A absolute disgrace.

Enfield Council workers do yr job properly! and feel proud, it's not all about a pay cheque!

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Missing Christmas Tree Star

Adrian Day

23 Nov 2016 21:19 #2442

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the state of Palmers Green. My guess is that our Councillors may not see many (or any?) these posts so it might be worth writing to them or even attending one of their ward 'surgeries' (their names/contact details are on the Enfield Council website).

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A Triangular Tree

Kaye Castanheira

24 Nov 2016 08:24 #2445

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I just read the most most disheartening message that Enfield Council has more important things to spend taxpayers money then Christmas a faith! A event to bring all together and be merry! But no! Enfield Council once again want to take away our festive cheer as well as so many other things, every time we ask for any from our council to enrich our lives and our community it's always a NO! Disgusting attitude.

I am not surprised shopkeepers are upset and disappointed they have ruined the atmosphere for all! They have also invested money into the council and of course they feel they have been let down! Not surprising from our council's they always do what they want, with our money, no democracy! The fat cats at the top are probably consuming all! We're turning into a quiet fascist country, were kept at the bottom of the heap!

We're supposed to be moving into modern times and our country should of been revamped by now, but no were moving back in time just like the 1950's, someone is pulling our strings back and forth.

We're promised so many things and when the time comes, it's taken away from us! What horrid people!

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A Triangular Tree

P Cliveden

24 Nov 2016 13:13 #2447

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I love Christmas lights and festive displays and the annual tree on the triangle. but whilst it's a shame that luxuries such as festive lights etc. have had to be cut from the budget, considering the much more damaging cuts to essential services, I really don't think there is cause to complain. I'm surprised there even is a tree this year.

We all know Central Government is reining in public spending to address the deficit, and as we can plainly see, local services are paying the price. (I know from the recent experience of trying to secure state support for a sibling with learning difficulties, just how tight the funding situation is). Anyone working in the public sector with no pay rises for the last 8 years know all to well. From what I can tell, there is no more restructuring, no more inefficiencies, no more jobs to cut that can substitute the budget. Our local Councils have to support more people on less funding with less staff.

Knowing this does not stop me wanting Palmers Green to be a better place - a more attractive environment, which requires investment and engagement from us all - shopkeepers, locals, Councillors, contributors to this forum. This is where we live. Why shouldn't it be beautiful?

But the question is where does the funding for change come from? The Cycle Enfield scheme was so encouraging because the investment is from a separate pot. It's not a choice for Enfield between installing new street furniture v installing a disabled ramp into someone's home. There has been conversation on another thread about stricter Council guidelines for retail unit signage. This is a fantastic idea, easy to put in place and has virtually no uplift in cost to the Council. A review of the refuse collection plan would be welcome - bags left on the street are ripe for tearing and the litter in the area is abundant. Some areas have Town Centre managers to drive the retail centres, I don't know if Enfield has these or whether Palmers Green would qualify, but a cohesive plan might work wonders. There are also Business Improvement Districts that can be set up by local businesses and retailers who contribute a small amount annually and decide how to spend those funds to improve the area to the benefit of their businesses (normally by enhancing the streetscape to attract more customers/clients). It becomes a self generating cycle. Once upon a time you would lock the car doors before you drove through Crouch End! so change is possible.

I agree the retailers need to take more responsibility for the visual appeal of their store fronts and general cleanliness. But also to note are the responsibilities of the freeholders of the buildings along the high street. The retailers will typically just be tenants and responsible for the ground floor retail units, not the building as a whole. Most of the buildings on the High Street and Aldermans Hill are attractive, but have been neglected. They need cleaning and repairing. But a freeholder is only going to do that if if will increase the rent they will receive as a result - either from the shops or the flats above - or if there is a tax break encouraging them to do the work. The Fox have clearly cottoned on to needing a face lift and to invest - and will use some of the profit from a residential planning permission to fund the investment. Im guessing the Council can little afford a reduction in business rates right now (or even have the discretion to set up a scheme that would allow facade improvements to key buildings to be offset against rates).

I agree with another commenter on this thread that we need to be petitioning the right people - the Enfield Councillor's details are easy enough to obtain. I've sent emails to the local ward Councillor's.

Looping back to the original point - yes, its a shame there is no star and no lights, but if we used less energy bashing the Council and thinking of positive ideas and ways to contribute, we may get results. they cant pay for what they can't afford. And if I don't have lights on my high street in exchange for a vulnerable person being supported this Christmas, fair trade.

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A Triangular Tree

Kaye Castanheira

24 Nov 2016 13:20 #2448

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I have mentioned to shopkeepers by letters and emails to make a effort in PG high street not just with Xmas decor but with also with updating their shops as they all need a lick of paint and revamping all, PG needs brightening up!! at the moment it looks very dull & miserable!

I had shopkeepers respond to my suggestions to positive changes needed in our community and high streets and I received messages saying that they did not have the funds and also that Enfield Council were not co-operating to support them into making the changes!

It's so upsetting to hear that they are trying to score goals off each other! and it's the public and residents living in the area of PG that have to put up with living with a community that has become so rundown because it all boils down to money and greed!
"The root to all evil"

I do appreciate they will be making cut backs to so many other important services, it does not cost much to buy some Xmas decor for PG, they could even put up the same ones they have putting up for the past 50 years!! A bit of colour is what we all need to brighten up our lives & communities despite the cut backs! it's all nonsense and excuses from the Enfield Council " they cannot afford Xmas decor" how petty!!! they must have scrooge's working for the council, no wonder we can never seem to get what we want from them! HUMBUG TO THEM!!!

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