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Heritage Walk in Enfield Town

Saturday 27 July 11.00am

Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane, Enfield, EN2 0AJ  

A circular walk of Enfield Town including a guided tour of the important historic monuments in St Andrew’s Church with Sue Grayson Ford.

Free to members, £10 each for non-members which includes one year’s membership of the Enfield Society. E-mail Janet McQueen to book a place.


enfield society logo wide

A regular programme of talks is arranged by the Enfield Society. These are free to members and non-members are welcome to attend for a modest charge (typically £1 per meeting). Refreshments will be available and our sales counter will be open. Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane, is near the junction with Chase Side and there is an access ramp for wheelchairs.

For details of future talks and walks visit

PGC cannot guarantee that all What's On information is 100% accurate. If in doubt, contact the organisers or visit their website using the More Details button.
