Local makers market featuring small & local community businesses. Perfect place for Christmas gift shopping!
Fresh from the success of the launch of Makers Market to celebrate Black History Month last October, the Angel Yard Edmonton community of young entrepreneurs and local business owners are back again for our first ever festive edition! This can only mean more shops, more fun & a merrier time with the community!
This event is supported by enterprise charity Launch It, Enfield Council and Fore Street For All as well as LEAP and the Mayor of London. Why go? Because not only can you do some last minute (or early for some) shopping and enjoy a great selection of food/refreshment but also support small local artisans, creatives and artists while doing so! Like last time, we’ll also be having various creative workshops all throughout the day.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You can simply come to the event on the day. No need to book tickets. Follow us on Instagram at @launchit_uk or @forestreeforall for more info & updates! See you there!
PGC cannot guarantee that all What's On information is 100% accurate. If in doubt, contact the organisers or visit their website using the More Details button.