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Bowes East quieter neighbourhood: drop-in information session

Wednesday 20 September 2023 4.30pm - 6.30pm

Trinity at Bowes Methodist Church & Community Centre, Palmerston Road, N22 8RA

map of projected bowes east quieter neighbourhood

Enfield Council is proposing a Quieter Neighbourhood in the Bowes East area and has launched a period of community engagement to hear from residents.

We want to hear from you about your ideas that could be incorporated into the plans for the Quieter Neighbourhood, and any current issues you think the project could address.

Share your ideas and issues with us via the interactive map on the project page where you may drop a pin within the purple shaded area and provide your ideas as well as identify issues in the area. The map will be open for you to share your comments until midnight on Sunday 8 October 2023.

We will be holding a webinar on the Monday 2 October at 6pm where we will present the project and invite attendees to ask questions of the project team, and drop-in sessions will be held on Wednesday 20 and Saturday 30 September for residents to speak with the team, find out more about the project and share their ideas and issues. More information on these activities can be found in the Key Dates section of this project page.

Throughout the engagement period we will also be speaking with businesses, disability groups and schools in the area to gather their ideas and issues to inform the Bowes East Quieter Neighbourhood.

Bowes East quieter neighbourhood: community engagement

1 September 2023
Start of engagement with the community

This phase of community engagement invites residents, businesses and other stakeholders to share their ideas for and any current issues faced in the Bowes East area with us to inform future plans for the proposed Quieter Neighbourhood.

Share your ideas and current issueson the map here.

20 September 2023
Drop-in session 4.30-6.30pm at TaB Community Centre

Drop-in anytime between 4.30pm and 6.30pm at TaB Community Centre, N22 8RA, to speak with the team about the project, and share your experiences and ideas for the local area.

30 September 2023
Drop-in session 10am-12pm at TaB Community Centre

Drop-in anytime between 10am and 12pm at TaB Community Centre, N22 8RA, to speak with the team about the project, and share your experiences and ideas for the local area.

02 October 2023
Webinar 6pm

A webinar will be held on Microsoft Teams at 6pm on Monday 2 October 2023. The webinar can be accessed at link)

08 October 2023
End of engagement period

Following the engagement period a summary report will be produced to capture all ideas and issues raised for the Bowes East Quieter Neighbourhood. Updates will be posted under the 'Project updates' tab on this project page.

Bowes East Quieter Neighbourhood project page
on the Let's Talk Enfield website

PGC cannot guarantee that all What's On information is 100% accurate. If in doubt, contact the organisers or visit their website using the More Details button.

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Become a Friend of Cooking Champions today!

While we admire and support the Christmas campaigns that we see pop up in December, we also know that help is urgently needed all year round, each and every year. As some people pack away after the festive break, we are still here.

Our support is not limited to a food package, but it leaps beyond - we form connections, we listen and respond to everyone who steps through our doors. We open up a warm, safe, environment which aims to feel like a home away from home.

For us to continue to thrive and grow, and keep supporting as many people as possible, we are asking you to become a Friend of Cooking Champions. Even a donation of just £5-10 per month can make a HUGE impact on the lives of those who come through our doors.

Pop to our People's Fundraising page to donate, and we promise to keep you updated with how your support is making a difference. Thank you, we appreciate you! Team Cooking Champions
