Fox Lane & District Residents' Association (FLDRA) has announced the discontinuation of the Neighbourhood Watch area which had the same boundaries as the area covered by the FLDRA. On Police advice, it is recommending the setting up of smaller neighbourhood watches comprising one or two streets. It is also alerting residents to possible implications for their household insurance.
The full announcement is reproduced below.
Neighbourhood Watch - URGENT INFORMATION
Please read as this may affect you & your Household Insurance.
Dear Resident,
For some time now the Neighbourhood Watch, covering the same area as that of The Fox Lane & District Residents' Association, (FLDRA) has recognised that it has not been the most effective means of providing information to residents and coordinating local activity.
When the Watch was established, this was the best approach available with support from the police. And many residents made a very active contribution. However policing and technology have moved on.
It has long been recognised that the area in question, bounded by Green Lanes, Bourne Hill, The Bourne, High St. N14, Cannon Hill and Aldermans Hill is too large to function effectively as a Neighbourhood Watch area. Not only is too large to run as one, but it also covers 4 different police wards and local policing teams. So getting an overview of the whole area is not easily possible. Allied to which is that with the aid of new technology, the Police, and other bodies, are able to provide information, updates etc. at a much earlier stage than N.Watch are able to do.
Regretfully, therefore, it has been decided to terminate the operation of this particular Neighbourhood Watch. Both the Watch and Residents committees would like to thank everyone who has helped make the Watch the success that it was, for such a long time.
The Police agree that more ‘local’ Neighbourhood Watches, ie. just one or two streets, are much more effective
The Fox Lane & District Residents’ Association (FLDRA) has agreed to liaise with the Police to provide training packages for those who wish to set up local Neighbourhood Watches in their immediate area in the future.
If you, and/or your neighbours are interested in setting up a N.Watch in your immediate area, please contact:
Andy Barker - Chairman FLDRA - 020 8882 3434 -
for further information.
If you wish to join the FLDRA, which amongst other things, provides up to date information at all times on local issues, crime, planning etc., you can do so via the FLDRA website - - or please send your details, including e-mail address, and a cheque for £5 (made out to ‘FLDRA’), to Membership Secretary, 26 Lakeside Road, Palmers Green, London, N13 4PR.