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pgc all green working and signpost with lettering new colour 2
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The charity Solace is warning that the current economic crisis, especially the rises in the cost of living, poses a serious threat to the safety of its clients - women and families who are victims of domestic abuse.

Help stop women paying the price of poverty

The rising cost of living is going to be devastating for the women and families we work with. The already difficult task of leaving an abusive relationship, is made harder by the worry of not being able to afford petrol, train tickets, rent and everything else that comes moving on to a single income and starting a new life. We must ensure women know who to reach out to and when they do, that we are able to pick up the phone and start them on their new journey to safe, secure and free lives.

This is why have launched our Cost of Poverty appeal film featuring staff, volunteers and ambassadors to highlight the fears for survivors and staff this winter. Help us make sure women do not pay the price of poverty this winter.

Our Key Asks to Government

To address the immediate and increasing impact of the cost of living on survivors of domestic abuse, we are calling on the Government to:

  • Return Local Housing Allowance to being linked to actual market rent levels
  • Reintroduce the Universal Credit uplift by increasing rates by £20 per week over the winter
  • Lift the benefit cap and two-child limit for Universal Credit for domestic abuse survivors.
  • Introduce an Emergency Domestic Abuse Fund to support survivors of domestic abuse through this crisis period, to pay for essential items and energy bills, as recommended by Women’s Aid.
  • Review existing funding streams to support violence against women and girls and provide uplifts that recognise the increased costs for survivors, frontline staff, and services.

Sign up to be a regular giver to make sure we are supported throughout the crisis. As little as £3 a month could give us the assurances that we can keep the lights on in our refuges this winter.

Donate to the appeal


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