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A message from Alison Gordon at Age UK Enfield

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are well, we wanted to update you about the range of services we are offering people over 50 in Enfield.

Like everyone we have been very busy and throughout the Covid-19 pandemic and modified our services to respond to the ever changing local needs. With the lockdown restrictions easing, we remain at this time working from home and I have attached our updates on all services and referral forms.

We are always keen to recruit volunteers to support our services, if you are interested or would like to recommend someone for volunteering options please contact  

*Please note our Covid-19 services are time limited and will wind down in accordance to government guidance.

If you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me

Alison Gordon
Service Manager Social Prescribing
Age UK Enfield

📱: 07813 369919
🏠: The Parker Centre, 6 Houndsfield Road N9 7RA
🏠: John Jackson Library, 35 Agricola Road EN1 1DW

age uk enfield logoInformation & Advice Services

Our information and advice services are there for anyone who is over 50 and reside in Enfield. They can be accessed at any time.

Information, Advice & Advocacy – We have a small dedicated team who can help people to help themselves to obtain benefits, housing advice, general advice, signpost to Handyman or trusted traders etc. We are offering all of our IAA services via telephone or video calls during this time. We have launched an online Community Drop in for information & advice via zoom.

Later Life Planning – our LLP Adviser helps people to plan and prepare for their futures. We offer advice and information to help people to understand and coordinate Lasting Power of Attorneys, Wills, and Funerals. We also offer online awareness sessions via Zoom.

Veterans in Enfield Support Project– New project funded by Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trustthat helps people who have served in UK Armed Forces or National Service and their families to improve wellbeing, obtain benefits, grants and connect to others. For more information email

Health & Wellbeing Services

We offer a range of early intervention and preventionservices that people can access that complement our advice services. Additionally we have developed a range of online activities that can be booked by email

Falls Prevention Services – Falls Navigators support people to access services to improve balance and prevent falls. Whilst our Tai Chi groups are unable to meet in person we’ve launched a weekly online Tai Chi classes and Home exercise packs are available. Navigators are able to undertaken telephone based assessments or video calls until we return to in person visits.

Fit for Life – Usually you’d find our instructors running classes in local gyms, and walking groups in parks. Whilst our in person activities are temporarily suspended until safe to meet in groups, we have a Home Exercise Pack and weekly online activities via Zoom and exercise videos via our Age UK Enfield You Tube Channel. Keeping fit and well is a priority to prevent deterioration in health & wellbeing. We will be returning to our Walks & Talks as soon as possible. Stay in touch by emailing.

Health & Wellbeing Navigator Service -Our team of navigators continue to work with older people in a modified version of our traditional services, whilst we are preparing to see people in person, we are still case working with people using telephone services or video calling. We offer information & advice, telephone befriending, signposting and referring to local services, assisting people to become digitally active. Email referrals and enquiries to

ICAN Service (Over 18 service – criteria includes people that have dementia, diabetes, stroke, falls, and socially isolated) - Our ICAN navigators offer a telephone based case working alongside people to help achieve their goals, manage health conditions, connect to others and access community activities.

Whilst we can’t meet safely in person we have transferred our popular Tea & Chatter groups to online via Zoom, as it’s important for us to offer support as best as we can to help people manage their health conditions and connect to others. We wanted to ensure people that have formed friendships in groups to stay in touch with each other. Social Sing-along is every Tuesday via Zoom. Email enquiries or referrals to

Memory Navigators - work with people recently diagnosed with dementia and their families. They can support with a range of dementia specific subjects and general advice. We have swapped our in person services to offer online activities for people affected by dementia, including our popular Memory Club on alternate Friday’s via Zoom.

Care Services

We offer a range of services to support and enable older people with care needs in a variety of settings.

Parker Centre – Our day care services modified during Covid-19 and offer arts, crafts, music, movement, CST and person centred care to people affected by dementia at home.

When it is safe to do so, it is anticipated that our Parker Centre will reopen, and offer day care to people affected by dementia, offering a broad range of activities and respite to carers of people affected by

Home Care Services – throughout the Covid-19 pandemic we have continued to support vulnerable people to live as independently as possible at home with their personal care tasks, companionship and practical help such as shopping, light housework.

Footcare – Based at our Parker Centre, our Footcare services offer nail cutting and podiatry to support to people and can be a gateway to many of our services. At present we are considering offering home visiting service to people until our premises are open


*Our Specific Covid-19 Relief Services (Time limited)- We’ve been very busy in the past 3 months offering a Hot meal delivery service, bespoke shopping service and prescription collection to people in Extremely Vulnerable and Vulnerable groups. We are closely following Government guidance, and begin to ease these services as the lockdown change. We will be ceasing these services towards the end of July 2020*


Tai Chi Falls Prevention- gentle exercise to improve balance and aid breathing


11am – 12noon

Suitable for all exercise abilities

Over 50’s

Email to book  


Mindfulness relaxation session – learn to unwind and relax


2pm – 3pm

13th July, 10th August  

Over 50’s

Email to book


Tea & Chatter-

Social group, to meet others and join in with activities like quizzes, cook alongs, etc.


11am – 12noon

14th July & 11th August

Over 50’s

Email to book


Fit For Life Exercise session- gentle exercise session (can be seated or standing.)  


12.00- 12.30

Suitable for all exercise abilities

Over 50’s

Email to book


Social singalong- join Jenny to sing along with favourite songs through the decades


3.30- 4.30

Dementia Friendly

All the family welcome

Email to book


Three Generations – music, rhymes, stories & movement for young children, parents and grandparents


11am – 12noon

1st July and 5th August

All the family welcome

Email to book


Tai Chi Falls Prevention-

2.00pm -3pm WeeklyStart 8th July

Over 50’s

Suitable for all exercise abilities

Email to book


Tea & Chatter- light hearted social gathering to connect to others

11am- 12 noon (ICAN) Monthly 23rd July, 20th August

All welcome, over 50’s

Email to book


The Human Library – A new series of special interest talks on a broad range of subjects by guest speakers.

2pm – 3pm

9th JulyEnfield Tales

23rd JulyCoping with Change

30th JulyQuirky Tales of London past

All welcome

Over 50’s


If you’d like to become part of our Human Library and share a topic special to your heart.


Later Life Planning- an information session to help plan and prepare for your future. Includes Wills, LPA, funeral planning and more

3rd July at 11am – 12.30

Over 50’s all welcome

Email to book


Memory Club- a dementia friendly meet up for people affected by dementia and carers. Expect quizzes, activities, music and more.

11am – 12 noon  10th July, 24th July, 7th August, 21st August

Dementia Friendly

Suitable for all

Email to book


Community Drop in- join us to find out about information& advice, benefits,  local services


Starts 17th July

11.30 -12/30

Over 50’s

All welcome

Email to book


Diabetes Group- peer support group for anyone diagnosed with diabetes

Monthly – 2pm -3pm

31st July, 28th August   

Over 50’s

Email to book

Download Age UK Enfield forms

Referral Form

Falls/Frailty/Memory Referrals Form

iCan Referral Form

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