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grovelands park letter
Campaigners wishing to retain and enhance Enfield Borough's green spaces have expressed alarm at suggestions that a new primary school might be built on Grovelands Park.  The Federation of Enfield Residents and Allied Associations (FERAA) and Enfield Green Party are both concerned about the wording in a letter from Gary Barnes, Assistant Director for Regeneration, Leisure and Libraries at Enfield Council, which states that the Council is to appoint external consultants to help it "develop terms of introducing a two-form entry primary school".

The "redevelopment" proposals also include improvements to sports facilities in Grovelands Park and "opening up the park, including the land owned by Thames Water".

The letter invites local residents and "key stakeholders" to attend a meeting at 4pm on Thursday 18 July in the public restaurant at Southgate College.

To download a copy of the letter, click here.

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