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spacehive trees palmers greenA green chain stretching from Broomfield Park all the way to Hazelwood Recreation Ground, allowing birds, butterflies and other pollinators to cross Green Lanes east/west- that's the vision of the Palmers Green Action Team. To get it started, they've launched a Spachive crowdfunding campaign to raise the funds needed to buy and put in place two trees to green the stretch of Green Lanes between the Triangle and the end of Hazelwood Lane.

Unfortunately, the presence of a large gas main and other underground services makes planting trees in the ground impractical, so the they will have to be accommodated in large pots or planters.

The total cost of the project will be £4,612, enough to pay for the trees, planters, bulbs and perennials to provide underplanting, and various other items.

We want to make the high street as attractive as possible to improve the economy and make people's shopping experience more enjoyable. Trees are relaxing and improve people's sense of well being. It will be the start of a green chain between Broomfield Park and Hazelwood Recreation ground allowing birds, butterflies and other pollinators to cross east/west across Green Lanes.

We will bring some biodiversity and beauty to the high street by planting pretty pollinator friendly plants around the base of the trees. Let's make Green Lanes green and bring some natural beauty to Palmers Green high street!

Palmers Green Action Team

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Däna Roberts posted a reply
17 Feb 2021 21:09
If you would like to help this project, please make sure to click the heart on the Spacehive page or make a pledge. When deciding whether to give a grant, the Mayor of London's fund does not take likes and positive comments on social media into account so it's only the ones on Spacehive that matter. It's quick to click on the heart - so please do that! We'd love to get this off the ground and start to incorporate some plants into the high street to create a green chain.
Norberto Valbuena posted a reply
18 Feb 2021 13:05
A fantastic initiative to help the look and sustainability of our High St. You have my support.
Anthony Kidman posted a reply
18 Feb 2021 15:54
This is a great idea. The trees in their planters could stand in the unused cycle track to avoid obstructing the pavement.
PGC Webmaster posted a reply
18 Feb 2021 17:48
Anthony Kidman wrote:

The trees in their planters could stand in the unused cycle track to avoid obstructing the pavement.

Mr Kidman clearly suffers from selective blindness.

The cycle lanes are used. They are protecting riders from road danger and making it easier for people to choose a benign method of transport. The arguments about them are over. They are there and they are staying. Get used to it.

Sniping about the A105 cycle lanes is no longer allowed on this website. Anyone doing so will be banned from the forums.
Adrian Day posted a reply
19 Feb 2021 09:02
Well said. It seems that almost any conversation about Enfield has someone saying 'and what about the unused cycle lanes'. It 's exhausting to keep correcting the lie that 'no one uses the lanes' . Even when posting the evidence (for example 8000 cycle trips made through Palmers Green triangle this January - up 9% on last January) the opponents don't accept it but rather rely on 'there was no one on it when I drove down Green Lanes last Tuesday'. Interestingly I've never ever seen anyone put forward data-driven evidence that the lanes aren't used. Equally the opponents never offer their plan for reducing traffic and traffic-related pollution. It'd be great to see some posts on how they would address one of society's major challenges (PS electric vehicles may reduce pollution but not traffic volumes).