New restrictions on free travel for older people will come into force on 15th June and will apply to the morning peak only. Touching in is to be reintroduced across all bus routes. The maximum number of passengers per bus will be 20 (double deck), 10 (larger single deck), or 6 (smaller single deck). All passengers are reminded to only use public transport if absolutely essential and maintain two metres social distancing wherever possible.
Viola Rondeboom of Healthy Streets Bounds Green introduces the new group and its ideas for creating a healthier environment in the residential streets between Bounds Green Road and Bowes Road.
This week's playlist, selected by Chrissie and Dave Thomas, gives you a flavour of what would have been at St Harmonica's over the last few weeks, and finishes with a train set for you to play with. Is there light at the end of the tunnel or is it just one of those on coming trains? We live in hope; enjoy the offering..
In partnership with Leaders Unlocked, this youth-led project is working across England and Wales to: Examine young people's experiences of policing during the COVID-19 crisis; Involve young people in developing solutions to improve the policing approach, now and in the future. Please can you share this information with students and the young people you work with through your communication platforms and social media platforms.
Environmental groups have renewed calls for the North London Waste Authority (NLWA) to review its plans to build a huge new waste incinerator in Edmonton. A letter sent to councillors in seven boroughs contains detailed 'rebuttals' of claims made recently by NLWA board members in defence of the project. Their objections relate both to serious environmental concerns and to the project's value for money, especially in the light of changing circumstances.
Politicians don't always like being photographed at their front door, but here's one politician who's more than happy and is looking very relaxed to boot. Enfield Southgate MP Bambos Charalambous is seen here posing outside his home for local photographer Jenny Smith, who's raising money for a domestic violence charity, Refuge, by taking (socially distanced) photos of people standing at their front door, in return for a donation.
Bowes Southgate Green school will not accept any new intake in September 2021 or thereafter. Negotiations aimed at setting up a permanent (and separate) school at the site in Wilmer Way which Enfield Learning Trust leases from Broomfield School have been unsuccessful. Bowes school will continue to accept siblings of pupils at the Southgate Green school and accommodate them at its main site in Bowes Road. This news was published in a recent newsletter issued by Fox Lane & District Residents Association (FLDRA), which also includes an analysis of the overall situation regarding primary school places in the western part of our area.
This week's St Harmonica's playlist was compiled by local musicologist Nick Wall. In his own words: 'Here's my selection of blues and some of its neighbouring musical areas, with music from the 1920s to the beginning of the 1960s. There's a core of Louisiana music, but it strays up to the Appalachians and down around the Gulf Coast. It embraces the contradiction at the heart of the blues - an expression of pain or an exuberant music for enjoying the good times.'
North London Organic Gardeners and Incredible Edible Barnet are joining forces to put on the first North London online Gardeners' Question Time Monday 9th April.
Residents of streets to the south of Bowes Road, particularly those living in Brownlow Road, Warwick Road and nearby streets, have come together to launch a campaign to prevent traffic in the area building up to the unacceptably high levels that were normal prior to the Covid-19 lockdown. Their proposal is to create a low-traffic neighbourhood to prevent use of roads in the area as a cut-through. The campaign, under the slogan 'A Bus Gate for Brownlow?', has won the support of Better Streets for Enfield, who promote the idea of creating people-friendly streets across the entire borough.
Find out everything you need to know on how to ask your council for a School Street to a) reduce air pollution exposure and b) overcrowding at the school gate.
Work on the tunnels between Drayton Park and Moorgate has now been completed and all services on the Hertford Loop via Palmers Green now start or end at Moorgate.