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photoStreetz Ahead thrilled unsuspecting shoppers in Morrisons Palmers Green on Sunday when their flash mob Thriller dancers launched a week of Palmers Scream pre-events.


They were FANTASTIC and the audience were amazed and all had their cameras out!  Visit to see some amazing photographs.

Pre-Scream Events

Make Spooky Lanterns to bring with you on Halloween

spooky lanterns for palmers scream

There will be two family drop-in sessions to help you make lanterns:

  • Thursday 29th October from 3.30pm at Kiva Cafe (corner Green Lanes and Hazelwood Lane)
  • Friday 30th October 10.30 to 11.30am in Palmers Green Library

Alternatively, decorate a plastic milk bottle to bring to the boating pond at Broomfield Park at 5.30pm on Saturday, 31st October

On arrival collect a free Glo-stick from the Range Homes stand to light your 'lantern'

Be brave and come and join the local family adventure into the dark..... Thank you Screamers

palmers scream

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