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The second Palmers Green Community Festival, to be held in Broomfield Park this coming Sunday (1st September), will be even more ambitious than last year's resounding success, but entry will again be completely free.


UK's highest climbing wall at Palmers Green Community Festival 2012Among the myriad attractions this year will be:

Not a complete list by any means - for full details visit the Festival Website.

Dancers at Palmers Green Community Festival 2012Last year's Festival not only provided great entertainment and contributed to community spirit, but it also generated some surplus funds, which earlier this year were disbursed by the organisers to several locally based groups to help them launch specific projects:

The surplus was generated through the generosity of businesses and individuals who provided sponsorship, support and donations, and from sales of food and drink by festival volunteers.

If this year’s Festival again produces a surplus, this will be disbursed to individuals, charities, businesses or groups who require seed corn funding for projects which would help improve Palmers Green. Details of how to apply can be found on the Festival Website.

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