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Enfield Council's plan to leave parks unlocked overnight will be discussed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Wednesday.  The meeting will be held in the Civic Centre at 7.30pm on 29th October.

The proposal to cease locking parks for a trial period of one year is an economy measure -  a saving of £22.000 is anticipated.  The paper being considered on Wednesday envisages that vehicle entrances would still be locked overnight.  It also states that if a known specific increase in crime and/or anti-social behaviour occurs, gate locking will resume in the affected parks.

Even though the gates would be left open, parks would officially "close" at the stated times and police officers could lawfully remove anyone found in a "closed" park.

The paperwork for the meeting on Wednesday provides more details of the proposal and relevant background information and data, as well as descriptions of alternative options.



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PGC Webmaster posted a reply
30 Oct 2014 23:07
At the Scrutiny Panel meeting opposition to the proposal to leave all parks unlocked overnight led to a deferral of the decision until April 2015. In the interim the Regeneration and Environment Departmentl will consult with stakeholders, such as Friends of Parks groups and the Police - failure to consult properly being one of the criticisms voiced by those opposing the proposals.