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The campaigning organisation 38 Degrees is running a campaign to persuade the House of Commons Communities and Local Government Committee to recommend that protecting Britain's public parks be made a legal requirement.


Save our parks

To all MPs on the Communities and Local Government Committee

Petition text

Make protecting our parks a legal requirement.

Why is this important?

Parks matter, and they belong to all of us. Whether it's a playground to take our children to at the weekends, or a place to enjoy our lunch in the sunshine, parks are amazing places.

We want the government to make protecting parks a legal requirement to make sure they're properly looked after and kept free for everyone to use.

The committee can't personally create a statutory duty for the upkeep of our parks, but they can recommend one based on the results of their consultation. We're calling on the committee to make the strongest recommendations possible to protect our parks

Click here to go to the online petition

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