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north middlesex hospital by night

The North MIddlesex Hospital website has a page with information about arrangements during the current stage of the coronavirus emergency. Bullet points below, but visit for details.

  • The North Mid is temporarily pausing non-emergency work in order to safely look after patients who need urgent, emergency and Covid-19 care.
  • The hospital will continue providing cancer treatments and diagnostic procedures which are time-critical.
  • If you have an appointment and haven't been contacted, you should attend as normal.
  • Currently no visitors are allowed except in particular circumstances. Click here for details about visiting.
  • Arrangements are in place for virtual visits and for staying in touch via email, Skype, Facetime and phone.
  • Food can be dropped off at the main entrance.

A thank you message from the hospital

We are extremely grateful to staff and local people who have helped us by working extra shifts, and showing kindness through donations, refreshments, and other generous acts. We are proud and grateful to be part of such an amazing local community.

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