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As Cooking Champions celebrate two years of their community kitchen, the Enfield-based charity has launched a winter fundraising appeal aimed at raising £10,000 to support its work feeding the hungry and helping people in the borough prepare their own affordable nutritious meals.

cooking champions winter appeal newsletter version

Wow. What a month it is for us! Our kitchen turned 2, and we celebrated in style in our community hub recently, welcoming our wonderful regulars and supporters to enjoy birthday food and fun with us. We were honoured to have a visit from Cllr Mohammad Islam, Mayor of Enfield, too.  

Moments like this make us so proud as we reflect on how far we have come, and it gives us renewed energy to power through the winter months ahead.

To mark the proud milestone of our second birthday, we’re reaching out to ask for something special this winter - not gifts, but a little help from our incredible supporters so we can continue to provide our vital services during this crucial time.

At Cooking Champions, we’re more than just a food bank. Our kitchen is a hub for homemade meals and human connection. We want to make sure that our doors are open and essential services keep running this winter.

£10,000 is our goal and we are determined to reach it!

Funds raised will support our food bank, core costs Christmas meals and more.

As demand for our services soars, we’re asking for a little help and aiming to raise £10K to give us much-needed support for core costs, our food bank, Christmas meals + more. 

THANK YOU to everyone who’s been part of our journey so far. If you can chip in towards our birthday fund, we’d be so grateful.

How you can help us? Please spread the word by sharing our appeal with your friends and networks:

Together, we hope that we can reach our goal and ensure no one is left to struggle alone this winter.

Thank you for your continued support - it means the world to us.

Visit the Cooking Champions Winter Appeal fundraiser page

cooking champions cooking sessions up to dec 2024

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