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Cycle Enfield: Notes from January 2016 Partnership Board meeting

28 January 2016

The notes of the meeting of the Cycle Enfield Partnership Board (Enfield West) have been provided to all participants, along with the slides used for four of the supporting presentations. The main headings below are links to PDF documents.  The bullet points are my very rough attempts at describing the content and conclusions of the documents. Notes of the meeting (click to download0 The notes do not in general duplicate the information contained in the presentation slides. .......

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Revised A105 cycle lane proposals to go to Cabinet next month

25 January 2016

Following last week's meeting of the Enfield West Partnership Board, the revised proposals for cycle lanes along the A105 will be considered by Enfield Council's Cabinet on 10th February.  If, as seems likely, the proposals are approved, they will then be sent to Transport for London (TfL) for its approval.  If given the green light by TfL, the proposals will then be subject to a period of statutory public consultation. Following the consultation, the engineers would move on to.......

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Cycle Enfield: Mayor of London calls for further consultation but stresses his continuing support

20 January 2016

David Burrowes MP has published the text of a letter written to him by the Mayor of London following a meeting at which Mr Burrowes raised concerns about the Cycle Enfield scheme. In the letter Boris Johnson says that he agrees that it is "very important for Enfield, with the support of TfL, to ensure that the scheme is not moved forward to the next formal approval phase until the borough engages more extensively and intensively with residents and businesses".  He adds that Leon Daniels,.......

The Cycle Enfield "referendum" - comment by Basil Clarke

13 January 2016

David Burrowes MP has published the results of his unofficial "referendum", designed to gauge public support for the Enfield Council's proposals for cycle lanes along the A105.  Of the votes cast, 76 per cent were against the proposals, 18 per cent were in favour and 6 per cent were partially in favour. In his commentary about these figures on his website, Mr Burrowes says that "I will be meeting with Boris [Johnson]  this week and will be telling him that the majority of my.......

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Cycle Enfield: Enfield Town and Southbury Road consultation deadline approaches - by Basil Clarke

16 December 2015

The deadline for submitting comments on the Enfield Town and A110 (Southbury Road/Lea Valley Road) cycle lanes proposals is 18th December - this Friday.  If the earlier A105 consultation is anything to go by, the deadline will fall at exactly midnight on Friday night, after which the system will no longer accept any input. Consultation links Enfield Town consultation Southbury Road consultation The debate about Cycle Enfield has been ongoing, on our forums and elsewhere, with.......

Are roads for cars or kids? My part in the fight to make people-friendly streets - by Clare Rogers

14 December 2015

A Play Streets scheme that closes roads to cars opened Clare Rogers’ eyes to the idea of roads for recreation. Now she’s part of a grassroots campaign to revolutionise cycling in Enfield – but the battle isn’t over. A consultation on the Mini Holland proposal to make Enfield town centre bike friendly closes on Friday. Photograph: Cycle Enfield My sister Sally started it when she sent me a video about Playing Out – the seminal Bristol project which closes.......

Initial analysis of Cycle Enfield A105 consultation responses

18 November 2015

Enfield Council has published some initial analysis of the responses from members of the public to the A105 Cycle Enfield Scheme (see the box below). The analysis is very broad-brush, but one interesting fact that stands out is that respondents' highest priorities were pedestrian safety and air quality.  "Convenient car parking" was one of the lowest priorities. A fuller report will be issued in due course, which will include responses to points raised by the public.  Some changes.......

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"One Atmosphere": Cleaning up London's air

13 November 2015

In this film of a presentation at a conference held in Australlia, Simon Birkett, Founder and Director of Clean Air in London, talks about the most important lessons learned by him from 10 years of campaigning on air pollution. The film urges immediate action to reduce local air pollution and greenhouse gases to protect public health and mitigate climate change. "One Atmosphere"  can be viewed as ten separate "chapters" or as a single 35 minute film at

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Green Lanes cycle lanes proposals have public backing

09 November 2015

According to a press release issued by Enfield Council today, a majority of people who responded to the public consultation about the A105 Cycle Enfield proposals indicated that they were in favour of the scheme going ahead. The press release states that "60 per cent of the 1,646 people consulted said they supported the plans, while just 40 percent were opposed to them".  However, the Cycling Weekly website breaks down the in favour submissions into two subcategories:  in favour - 51.......

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Business leaders urge chancellor to help "deliver a cycling revolution"

04 November 2015

More evidence that cycling schemes are good for business has been provided today in the form of an open letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer from the leaders of companies employing over 250.000 people. According to anti-Cycle Enfield campaigners, putting in cycle lanes along Green Lanes will "kill" businesses.   Even before today's open letter there has already been plenty of evidence that this is at the very least a gross exaggeration and may in fact be the reverse of the truth.......

How increasing cycling benefits everyone

16 October 2015

One of the points made repeatedly by opponents of plans to create cycle lanes along main roads is that they would benefit only cyclists and no-one else and that cyclists were therefore being unduly prioritised.  Enfield Council, and at an all-London level, the Mayor of London, have put the case for benefits to the people of Enfield and of London across the board. A newly published academic study sets out why the Council and the Mayor are right and the protesters are wrong.  Benefits.......

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Cycle Enfield A105 scheme: only a few days left to comment

01 October 2015

The deadline for letting the Council have your views about the A105 component of Cycle Enfield is fast approaching - the online questionnaire must be completed by 9th October.  If you want to comment on every stretch of road, the process could take a while, so don't leave it to the last minute.  There is plenty of information available on the Cycle Enfield website, and we have published several articles with information in easily digested form. The approaching deadline has prompted.......

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Cycle Enfield: Consultation under way for Enfield Town and Southbury Road schemes

28 September 2015

The second stage of public consultation for the Enfield Town and Southbury Road elements of the Cycle Enfield scheme was launched last weekend.  Detailed drawings are available online and residents are invited to fill in an online questionnaire to provide their views about the scheme The various options for Enfield Town have been whittled down to two - Options 1 and 6a.  Both would see through car traffic - both east-west and west-east - using Cecil Road, which would be converted to.......

Mayor of London issues report calling on drivers to cut 4 million car journeys a day by walking or cycling

27 September 2015

The Mayor of London has issued a report, Health Impact of Cars in London, which provides the evidence base for future work by policy makers and health professionals.  A key finding is that by not driving, but walking or cycling when this is a reasonable alternative, the population of London would gain over 60,000 years of healthy life every year, which would deliver an economic health benefit of over £2 billion annually. The report's authors point out that most people in London do not.......

Children are traffic too

26 September 2015

There was a public meeting this week about the Enfield Mini Holland plans, and days later, I’m just starting to work out what was actually being said… It seemed that 90% of the 200-plus audience were against the scheme. I don’t know if they represent real feeling in the area or not, since this is a bit of a rogue series of meetings that are not part of the official consultation process. They are chaired by our conservative MP (we have a Labour council) who seems to.......

Bus Travel and Cycle Enfield: TfL Freedom of Information Act responses

10 September 2015

I have previously expressed concern about the effects of changes along the A105 on bus travel. This didn't seem to me to be being properly considered in what is still predominantly a debate between cyclists and those concerned about car parking. It has taken some time to get a response from TfL to what seemed to be three key issues; the potential effects on bus journey times, getting on and off buses, and the removal of the bus stop outside the Fox. Well here's the response. The sections in.......

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Cycle Enfield - why not use a different route?

10 September 2015

The Cycle Enfield website includes the official responses to various criticisms of the A105 scheme.  However, because people may not be aware of these, we are reproducing them here both to make them more widely known and to give readers an opportunity to comment and discuss them in our forums. The following text is taken directly from Cycle Enfield without any amendment. Why not use a different route?   Why put the route on the A105, why not use an alternative? Some people have.......

Cycle Enfield - the impact on bus stops

10 September 2015

The Cycle Enfield website includes the official responses to various criticisms of the A105 scheme.  However, because people may not be aware of these, we are reproducing them here both to make them more widely known and to give readers an opportunity to comment and discuss them in our forums. The following text is taken directly from Cycle Enfield without any amendment. Impact on bus stops   A number of bus stops along the route would be changed – under current plans, six.......

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Cycle Enfield - the impact on pedestrian crossings

10 September 2015

The Cycle Enfield website includes the official responses to various criticisms of the A105 scheme.  However, because people may not be aware of these, we are reproducing them here both to make them more widely known and to give readers an opportunity to comment and discuss them in our forums. The following text is taken directly from Cycle Enfield without any amendment. Impact on pedestrian crossings   There are many improvements proposed to improve crossings for pedestrians........

Cycle Enfield - the impact on parking

10 September 2015

The Cycle Enfield website includes the official responses to various criticisms of the A105 scheme.  However, because people may not be aware of these, we are reproducing them here both to make them more widely known and to give readers an opportunity to comment and discuss them in our forums. The following text is taken directly from Cycle Enfield without any amendment. Impact on parking   Enfield Council understand that car parking is an important component of our hight streets........

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