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Campaigners trying to prevent the conversion or demolition of local pubs, such as the Green Dragon in Winchmore Hill and the Fox in Palmers Green, received some good news today, when the government announced a change to planning laws.

From 6 April where a pub has been nominated or listed as an Asset of Community Value, a planning application will be required before a change of use or demolition. Though this will not prevent eventual conversion or demolition, it will provide an opportunity for local people to comment and enables the local planning authority to determine the application in accordance with its local plan, any neighbourhood plan, national policy and any other material considerations. The local planning authority may take the listing into account as a material consideration when determining any planning application.

The process of registering both the Green Dragon and Fox as Assets of Community Value is already under way.  The Green Dragon is particularly vulnerable, as it has already closed as a pub and reopened as a discount shop.  As regards the Fox, while there is no indication of any current plans to close it, change its use or redevelop the site, the Southgate District Civic Trust is concerned that it is being affected by the nationwise downturn in the economics of the pub sector.

As well as fulfilling important community roles, both the Fox and the Green Dragon are buildings of unusual and conspicuous design and are important in defining the local streetscape.  They are also notable in being the only remaining purpose-built public houses along the whole of the Palmers Green to Winchmore Hill section of Green Lanes, other pubs being shop conversions.


Government press release
Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) List Your Local campaign
Save the Green Dragon campaign

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