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sun inn chase side southgate christine matthews

© Copyright Christine Matthews and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

Southgate District Civic Trust (SDCT) have reported that a pub in the Southgate Circus conservation area has been demolished without planning permission having been obtained.

SDCT say that demolition of the pub Maze Inn is currently under investigation by Enfield Council’s Planning Enforcement Team, adding that SDCT’s Planning Group will be" watching this with interest, particularly as there is always the possibility the owners are waiting to see the outcome of the SOV [Southgate Office Village planning application], in case it sets a precedent for high-rise buildings in Southgate".

The Maze Inn was only the most recent of a succession of renamings of what was once the Rising Sun.  When Christine Matthews took the photograph in 2008 it had recently been rechristened the Sun Lounge.  It subsequently became the Coach House, then the Maze Inn.

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Darren Edgar posted a reply
26 Jul 2019 10:53
Wow, interesting stuff. Only noticed this has gone the other day and was quite shocked as it looked like such a nice old building with great potential.

Hasn't been a pub, or anything, for several years though. Sainsburys did have a planning app in at one point from memory but that never went anywhere (unsurprising given the Tesco Metro across the street, amazing M&S down and road and a giant ASDA in walking distance).

Site will never go high rise. Not in a month of Sundays. Be lucky to get 3-4 stories even. So I don't see the relevance of SOV or why that'd be the developers intention.
Darren Edgar posted a reply
26 Jul 2019 11:00
Fio's bought it for £3m in 2016.....

Previous owners/developers look like now dissolved LLPs (incl. a reference to Maze).
Darren Edgar posted a reply
26 Jul 2019 11:07

Interesting planning history. Pub owners originally (2014) wanted to stick a bunch of flats over the pub then, 2016, pub was switched to shop (presumably when the Sainsbury's interest came in).

All consented but only ever for partial demolition, not completely clearing the site.
PGC Webmaster posted a reply
01 Aug 2019 01:10
An update by Cllr Daniel Anderson - source is the Enfield Voices Facebook page .

An update on the situation regarding the unauthorised demolition of the Maze Inn along Chase Side, N14. I have been informed by the Council’s Head of Development Control that though they are taking enforcement action with a view to a prosecution against the unlawful demolition, they will not be insisting that they rebuild the facade as was.

I have stated in response that though enforcement action and prosecution is welcomed, residents may well be disappointed and extremely angry that there is no insistence that they rebuild the facade, suggesting that it sends the wrong message. I have been told that they will need a new planning application and through this, they will need to demonstrate a quality approach to the replacement design of the development.