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250px-Woodcraft newlogo largeIf you have a child aged between six and nine who enjoys outdoor play, crafts, games, making friends and camping, then Palmers Green Woodcraft Folk might be just what you're looking for.

The local group currently has vacancies for Sunshine Elfins, the youngest category of Woodcraft Folk.  They meet on Wednesday evenings between 6pm and 7.15pm at Hazelwood School in Hazelwood Lane.

The Woodcraft Folk are a national educational movement which promotes a cooperative approach to life.  Their activities, outings and camps are desilgned to be great fun, but also have a serious purpose - to develop children's self-confidence, help them understand important international issues, understand the need for sustainable development and, by encouraging children to think, to contribute towards building a peaceful and fairer world.

Parents and carers are closely involved in running Woodcraft Folk activities.

For more information contact Sarah Richardson.



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