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On Sunday 26th May a ceremony was held at the Garden of Remembrance in Broomfield Park to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the World War One Gallipoli Campaign.

To mark the centenary an almond tree was planted in the remembrance garden.  Those taking part included Captain Ken Semmens, representing the Australian High Commission;  the Leader of the Council, Cllr Doug Taylor;  the Mayor of Enfield, Cllr Ali Bakir;  Cllr Joanne Laban, representing the Leader of the Opposition, who was ill;  the Deputy Lieutenant, Ann Cable MBE;  Cllr Yasemin Brett, Cabinet Member for Community Organisations;  Consul Mr Murat Nalcaci from the Turkish Consulate;   Garry Manley from the New Zealand High Commission;  and Brendon Farrell, Standard Bearer for the Royal British Legion.  Several more councillors also attended, as did members of the public.

Musical accompaniment was provided by North London Brass.

A permanent commemorative plaque will be installed near the almond tree in due course..

After the ceremony the participants were provided with refreshments by the Palmers Greenery Community Cafe.

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Photographs:  Colin Younger

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