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smarthomes april2015Next Tuesday (28th April) he Ruth Winston Centre will be the venue for the last of a series of drop-in sessions giving you advice on how to keep your home warm during cold weather.

Ruth Winston are working in partnership with Enfield Council to deliver the event, where experts from Retrofit London and Smart Homes will provide information about energy saving measures and grants of up to 75% towards the total cost of implementing them.

ruth winston tackling fuel povertyGroups at the Ruth Winston Centre enjoy giveaway energy saving items from Enfield Council to help tackle winter fuel poverty In addition to the grant there is a loan scheme via Enfield Council called "HEET Project" which, subject to criteria, will be provide homeowners with a 0% loan, re-payable when the property is sold, to put towards the remaining 25% for solid wall insulation, heating and double glazing.

These are time-limited offers, so act now.  In fact, you must register for Smart Homes by 30th April.

You can pop into Ruth Winston between 10am and 1pm.  What's more, the Centre will give you lunch for free and there will be giveaways for everyone who attends.

See details of the drop-in event in our events calendar

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