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7th July 2020 marks the 15th anniversary of the 7/7/2005 London bombings. In previous years, a series of events were held in London on each anniversary, providing the opportunity for bereaved families, survivors and responders to gather together to remember. The COVID-19 pandemic has placed many restrictions on our lives and in the lead up to the anniversary, it became clear that an ‘in person’ gathering was going to be difficult.

A number of bereaved family members and survivors came together to produce a short film that could be shared in the event the normal ceremony could not take place. The film, around 40 minutes long, features many of the elements that would take place at the 7/7 Memorial in Hyde Park and includes short speeches from those affected by 7/7, reading of the names of those killed, music from the London International Gospel Choir and the laying of flowers at the 7/7 memorial.

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