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Southgate-based Chickenshed Theatre is running a series of Adult Theatre Workshops which will be exclusively available to people aged 60 and above. As well as working with Chickenshed's highly experienced practitioners, participants will have an opportunity to meet other people who share their passion for the performing arts and theatre.

Participants must enroll for the entire six-session series, which starts this coming Monday, 9th September. More details are available on the Chickenshed website.

Also starting next week is a series of six Community Chorus workshops, available to people aged 21 and above. They are designed to help people develop their singing skills as part of an ensemble and learn a number of arrangements. Sessions are led by Jo Collins, Chickenshed’s Director of Music. No previous participation, experience or ability to read music is required - all you need is a love of singing and plenty of enthusiasm! Details are here.




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