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 osprey aircraft over palmers green july 201

Why were three Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft circling over Palmers Green during President Trump's visit to the UK last week?

This photograph was taken from the garden of a house in Park Avenue, during a visit from the Ospreys.  They came on Thursday evening and again on Friday morning, circling at low altitude five or six times and rattling people's windows.  There are reports  too of them circling over Crouch End.

Donald Trump's visit took him to the US Ambassador's residence in Regents Park and to Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, but not, as far as we know, to Palmers Green.  So what were they up to, circling menacingly above our bit of the suburbs?

Photograph: Linda Fullick

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Adrian Day posted a reply
18 Jul 2018 22:25
My guess is either the route took him over here due to air space restrictions. Just a guess though
Colin Younger posted a reply
18 Jul 2018 22:39
My guess is that they flew in from their base at Mildenhall and were circling on the "cab rank" prinicpal before being called in cover Trumps movements, and possibly actually to transport him, however as Special Forces units the latter seems unlikely. But did you see the Facebook posting of the 23 vehicle Presidential convoy moving down Seven Sisters Road! Now that was odd.
Neil Littman posted a reply
19 Jul 2018 07:57
Re the Presidential convoy, you can see footage online of the vehicles going down Seven Sisters Road. Not that odd really if they were having a practice run and it was on the day before. Don't think anyone would be fooled into thinking it was a decoy president... Possibly to do with where they store the vehicles or simply to test the road network. Either way, it is amazing how many vehicles they needed.
Roger Blows posted a reply
19 Jul 2018 11:54
My immediate assumption was that the close encounters with the Ospreys arose from the interest that the Prime Minister’s guest takes in traffic congestion on the local stretch of the North Circular Road. I am sure that in due course TfL will be receiving Twitter advice from that quarter....