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winchmore hill speakers revampedA local public speaking club will host a special open night to celebrate its first birthday on 5th February.  Anyone who is interested in learning how to improve their communication and leadership skills is welcome to attend this free event.

“We are delighted to be able to invite members of the community to join in our celebration”, says Rosy Holt, President of Winchmore Hill Speakers. “In the past year, our members have been able to develop their confidence, public speaking skills and ability to encourage others.  We hope that our visitors will learn how public speaking can be fun and can help in their everyday lives."

Winchmore Hill Speakers was founded in response to a desire from members of the local community to improve their confidence, communication and leadership skills.  It is a diverse club, with members including young professionals, managers, business owners and retirees (the photographs show members and guests at one of the club's meetings). It operates the proven Toastmasters International programme, designed to help individuals become more effective communicators and leaders.

The club meets at the Winchmore pub on the first and third Monday of each month at 7:30pm.

The birthday event will be held at the Winchmore pub, Winchmore Hill Road, N21 1QA on 5th February.  Doors open at 7:30pm and the event is free of charge.

Click here to reserve your place.

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