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 enfield brexit votes by ward

 As tweeted by Paul D Smith

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Karl Brown posted a reply
05 Dec 2018 18:00
As far as I understand the present position (Wednesday afternoon, clearly fast moving and I may well be wrong) it’s that power has effectively now passed to Parliament to represent the “will of the people”. That’s different to the “will of the people” represented by the 2016 referendum. That split, very roughly one third of eligible voters wishing to leave the EU, one third to remain and one third who didn’t vote, will now have the added necessity of reflecting the sizeable part of the population ineligible to vote - ie those just born to those almost 18 (that’s current age rather than as at the referendum date). Add in the impossibly immense strategic complexity of the Brexit decision and the immense implications for us all and my thoughts really are with Bambos MP. Good luck Bambos, this one really is worth whatever the salary is!
Darren Edgar posted a reply
10 Dec 2018 16:50
Arguably says quite a lot and, despite the overall result, is fairly reflective of the national trends/position when you compare high remain versus low remain/leave areas.