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It looks pretty certain that the Co-op will be moving into the Palmers Green shop that was vacated by Waitrose last month.

co op logoThe eagle-eyed Donald Smith has discovered a notice in the Enfield Independent - an application by Co-operative Food Limited for a new Premises Licence for the sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises between Monday-Sunday 07:00-23:00.  "Address of Premises:  Co-op 284 Green Lanes London N13 5TU".

So we will end up with two Co-op shops more or less opposite one another - the other being the Co-op Funeral Directors that opened not long ago.  Not the only example of branches of the same firm on opposite sides of Green Lanes:  Gemm, which already has two shops on the western side of Green Lanes (a hairdressers and a beauty parlour, both near the Fox), is about to open a barbers shop across the road, next door to Anthony Webb.

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Bill Linton posted a reply
14 Sep 2017 23:45
Excellent! Co-op are great for Fairtrade and I've been wishing there was one down this end of the borough for ages!

Not sure we need another barber, though.
Denis Piggott posted a reply
15 Sep 2017 10:05
"So we will end up with two Co-op shops more or less opposite one another" – Well, yes, but they could hardly be more different in the services that they offer. And if the Co-op in Crouch End is anything to go by, we're in for a treat, though admittedly that is a much larger site. Isn't the hairdresser/beauty parlour/barber called Gemm?
Basil Clarke posted a reply
15 Sep 2017 11:50
Denis Piggott wrote:

And if the Co-op in Crouch End is anything to go by, we're in for a treat, though admittedly that is a much larger site. Isn't the hairdresser/beauty parlour/barber called Gemm?

Yes, it is called Gemm - I knew it was a three letter word with the last letter doubled. I'll correct the original.

Re the Co-op in Crouch End, it was previously Budgens and seems almost unchanged since becoming a Co-op branch. As you say, it's very good, and has a particularly good selection of bottle conditioned beers. However, I fear that a small new Co-op in Palmers Green will be more similar to the branch in New Southgate, which is nothing like as good as the Waitrose that we had until recently.
Karl Brown posted a reply
18 Sep 2017 17:13
With rumours of Aldi / Lidl discussing the vacant Store 21 / B Wise premises (once Tesco), Marks and Spencer said by the developers to be in the frame for the new retail space being released by the proposed Fox development and other mutterings placing a further Mediterranean style provisions store in the 2-3 units currently closed up near the Hedge Lane / Green Lanes junction, the competition for share of PG’s stomach is looking intense. With the always interesting Yasar Halem at one end, TFC Supermarkets at the other, and Iceland’s ostrich burgers in-between, we have some choice. But is it only me who wishes the overall bread offering could be upped in quality?
Garry Humphreys posted a reply
24 Sep 2017 14:03
I have had recent experience of Co-Ops in Suffolk and Devon and have been pleasantly surprised by the quality and variety of stock, often featuring local produce and supporting Fairtrade. Smallness clearly implies less choice, but perhaps the branch manager will be considerate enough to note and respond to customer preferences (something I didn't think the PG Waitrose was very good at) - but customers must make their views known! All things being equal it might work out quite well. Give them a chance!
Darren Edgar posted a reply
26 Sep 2017 14:50
"So we will end up with two Co-op shops more or less opposite one another" - lol don't think I could imagine a less relevant comment!

Big step down from a Waitrose, obviously, but I agree with some of the other feedback that Co-Op has much improved in recent years, especially in stores where they can have decent scale (not just the knackered little corner shops of old).

Probably better reflects the area too, albeit sadly less aspirational.